•𝗞𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗔𝘀𝘀•

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Kelly's POV

From the moment I pulled out of the studio parking lot I was focused on telling Tommy face to face the facts of Nikki's condition. I don't think Tommy realises the reality of how his reaction had hurt and affected Nikki, he's so fucking lost and that's all on Tommy.

It's a lot to swallow and I get that but how he's reacting now is so fucking out of proportion. It's childish.

On the way to Tommy's house I probably broke a few speed laws but it's worth it, he needs to be told and needs to be told now and fix this... but I doubt it will be that easy but as long as I can at least start getting though to him that will be enough for me... for today at least.

When I pull up at Tommy's house his cars sitting on his driveway- good, he's here... but even if he wasn't I'd have stayed just to kick some ass. Getting out the car was a short task, I just hopped out and slammed the door almost jogging up to Tommy's front door and knocking rather violently onto the wood.

The second the door opened and laid eyes on the drummer I began yelling at him, not allowing him the chance to even think to speak, having little to no patience with him "What the fuck was that about? Why the fuck did you say that?!"

"Cause it's true" Tommy shrugs seeming to not care... I knew somewhere he cared, I just needed to find that part of him which did. But, I swear to God and Jesus, right now I was one word away from beating his ass into the ground.

"Fuck you, Tommy! Vince, Mick and I just spent the last forty five minutes calming Nikki down after having a full blown panic attack because of you!"

The cold expression on Tommy's face softened a little and I'd go as far to say he looked concerned before his face once again went void of all emotion.

What an actual asshole.

"I don't know the the fuck has happened to you but your being a complete heartless dick! Man up and quit acting like a child, yeah you've been given some surprising news but this isn't the way to deal with it by fucking blanking the issue until it goes away, well, news flash for your thick skull, you're gonna be a dad- you can't pretend like this isn't happening" I snarled getting right up in Tommy's face.

The 6'2 drummer actually looks rather intimidated by the way I was talking to him because he'd never seen me speak like this, but as I've previously mentioned when it came to Nikki I'd defend him until the ends of the earth and attack anyone who hurt him. No matter who they are.

As intimated as Tommy seemed it didn't stop him from being just as hostile back to me "Do you hear yourself! You're saying this like it happens everyday- men don't get pregnant, how the fuck do you want me to react- run at him with open arms?"

"Yes, I do because if you loved him then you'd be with him right now, not locking yourself away like a stroppy teenager"

Tommy was looking at me how he now looks at Nik, like I'd grown a second head, to be fair, considering how angry I am I wouldn't be surprised if I have "How are you so chilled about it, Kelly! He's pregnant!"

"I know he fucking is Tommy, I went and brought him the test!" I hissed, in this exact moment I can confirm I fucking hate Tommy with a passion.

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