•𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲•

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Nikki's POV, March 8th 1985

It's been a month.

Seriously it's been one of the most stressful months of my life but saying that it's also been the happiest one in a long time.

Indiana was fine, more than fine- Tommy hadn't left my side for a single moment and Kelly was still around... I may or may not have kept her here but she agreed so.... don't judge me.

Vince and Mick had been visiting every other day as well as us recording the album, Kelly looked after Indiana while we were in the studio either coming with us or staying at home.

She's been honestly amazing, I really couldn't cope without her, she's there all day for me to ask questions and to give support whenever I needed it. How is this possible you might be wondering... well, long story short... Kelly quit her job two days after I gave birth and rang up Doc to say she'd work for the band.

When she told me I shamelessly cried because it's all I've ever wanted- to have her with me, she can come on tour now without an issue that made me fucking ecstatic, I worried about her when she wasn't with me I always worry that something would happen to her and I wouldn't be there- I was scared I'd lose her... now I don't have to worry anymore.

Vince was also a very very happy bunny when I told him of Kelly's choice, he literally started planning places to take her on tour if we went to certain cities, basically planning dates for them- he was so pussy whipped on her I swear to god, I'm trying to set them up... I think I can convince Kelly to admit she loves him and give Vin a go.

Anyway, yeah- life was pretty good.

Tommy and I were getting more like how we were before, I was trusting him again and that felt great, he took the responsibility of parenting in his stride and it made me feel better and put my mind at ease that I wasn't going to wake up one morning and find him and all of his belongings gone.

I wasn't going to lie that was an actual nightmare I had that first night we had with our daughter, it frightened the fuck outta me, I hadn't told Tommy about it as I didn't to hurt him but I did tell Kelly- I was so freaked out I kinda had too, Tommy slept in my bed that night so I went into Kelly's room and woke her up crying, needless to say I stayed with her for the rest of the night which was only a couple of hours.

The dream felt so damn real. It wasn't and it never would be but it felt like it.

Apart from that though everything was going perfectly, I like being a dad... still weird to be one cause of my lack of a father but I liked it... makes me think why my dad wanted to walk away from me but that's a story for a day far in the future.

Vince, Mick and Kelly were going to be Indiana's godparents, there was no debate involved from me or Tommy- they were our family.

The world obviously knew by now I'd had Indiana... I rang Doug the day after and informed him so he and Doc released the news to the press and they lapped it up, I didn't leave the front page for literally two weeks straight, each day a new story came up some bullshit some kinda true but I honestly didn't care what they wrote - all that mattered was my family, they can shove their words up their asses I don't give a fuck.

I've been out with Tommy and Indiana and gotten both fans congratulating us and ridiculing us but the reaction has mostly been good. The bands back catalogue is rising in sales due to the attention brought to the band due to my condition so something positive has come from the media exposure.

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