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Tommy's POV

Hey... so, you probably hate me don't you?

But you gotta understand... I was overwhelmed... my boyfriend is pregnant, I don't know how to deal with that information.

Yes, I will admit I've acted like a bit of a cunt but it seemed right at the time, now... I'm not actually sure but Nikki won't want to talk to me... I haven't seen him in a couple of months, everyone's keeping me from him and I understand that.

Part of my brain still can't accept Nikki's state right now... but I know it's real obviously but I think because I haven't seen him in so long a part of me can just live in blissful ignorance.

This isn't going to make you like me more... really it isn't... but the things I said to Nikki at the time I meant them, I hate myself for it but at the time I did I meant every word... I couldn't wrap my head around the fact Nik could have children, it's just a concept I never thought possible... the more I thought on it the more it slowly made sense... he insisted when we had sex we used protection, he never told me why and I thought he just had some kinda obsession about not getting an STD but it makes sense now.

I've been talking to my mom a lot recently, not by choice necessarily- Kelly had rang her a few weeks ago now, with Nikki's permission as far as I can gather because I know Kelly wouldn't do something like that behind Nikki's back, she's loyal like that, she'd even gone over to my parents house and explained Nikki's condition and my actions towards the bassist in hopes they could get through to me... my dad initially acted like I did apparently but Kelly managed to get him to understand it from her and Nikki's point of view, which made me feel like shit- if my dad can accept Nikki when he's not exactly one to accept people who are different then why couldn't I?

My dad's a difficult piece of work sometimes- you should have been there when Nikki and I first told my parents we were together, my dad flipped out saying how I can't be gay, it wasn't a fun conversation- it was my mom who talked him down then.

My mom was always open and accepting, she never batted an eyelid when I told her I was gay and I actually told her I was gay way before Nikki and so when we got together I knew she wasn't going to do anything rash and illogical- when Kelly had told her of Nikki's pregnancy then, yeah, she was shocked but she listened and was very disappointed in my actions.

This was about a week after Kelly first came here after that shit show of a recording session where she came here and slapped me, my mom turned up on my doorstep and yelled at me in both Greek and English- it was scary actually, I don't think I've ever heard her yell like that before.

She's been on my case since Kelly told her to sort things with Nikki, with her constantly reminding me Nik needs me and for me to think about how he must be feeling - she along with Kelly weren't giving up... I've told my mom the same things I've told Kelly and a few things I said earned me a hard slap or twenty around the back of the head, she once last week even hit me with a spatula from my kitchen when she yelled at me while I was cooking myself some food.

Yeah, my mom was fucking pissed with me.

My mom couldn't understand why I acted the way I did- why I'd just walk out on Nikki because she knows how much I love him, she wanted to know why I hate Nikki, but that's the thing I never hated Nik, I hated his ability for a while but never him. It might sound like the same thing but to me it isn't.

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