•𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻•

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Nikki's POV

The nap I'd accidentally fallen into lasted an unspecified amount of time, maybe an hour and a half- I had woken up to Tommy running his fingers through my hair which I think I probably needed to re-dye if I'm honest, my light brown almost dirty blonde roots were showing through, I hadn't done it in a few weeks.

"Hey, have a good nap?" I hear Tommy ask once he'd noticed I was awake sounding mildly amused.

"Fuck off" I groaned "How long was I out?"

"2 hours-ish"

Shit, that was slightly longer than expected "Damn, wasn't meant to do that"

"It's fine, you looked exhausted, you needed it"

"Probably did, yeah... you have no idea how tired I am all the time, it's honestly really irritating, like I wanna do things but then I'm too tired to even move my arms, pregnancy drains the living crap outta you"

"Yeah, not surprising... you're kinda incredible"

I chuckled closing my eyes again "Really sucking up to me, aren't you?"

Tommy takes his hand from my hair and hits me gently on the shoulder "Fuck you, I'm serious... you're completely amazing, it's one thing for a woman to do this but you're the first guy to go through this, I'm proud of you, Nikki" Tommy said with not a hint of a lie in his voice, it was gonna take some getting used to hearing Tommy actually speak positively about my pregnancy but I'm not complaining right now, at all.

"Thanks, I guess"

"Give yourself more credit" Tommy hums placing of one his hands back into my hair.

"Maybe I will if it gets me more treatment like this" I teased to which I felt Tommy gently nudge my leg with his foot.

"Don't push it, I can easily just stop"

"You won't though, will you?"

Tommy scoffed "Wanna put that to the test, Sixx?"

"Not really, no"

"Well then" he says smiling "So, you nervous about it?"

"Nervous about what?"

"Having the baby"

"Oh, erm... yeah... I talk to Kelly about it a lot, it's the birth I'm most scared of... it's gonna fucking hurt and Kelly said she's been told that I can imagine the most horrific physical pain I've ever been in and that wouldn't even scratch the surface of how fucking painful it is"

"Who told her that?" Tommy questioned and I rolled my eyes.

"The fuck you think? She's a midwife, she didn't pull that information out her ass, women who have gone through it told her that"

"Alright, alright, Mr pissy pants, Jesus- don't get all hormonal on me"

"I'm not, you were just being a dumb bitch, even fucking dumber than Vince... but you know, even saying that, about the pain... kinda knowing how much agony I'm gonna have to go through... I really want to meet them now, I just want time to go quicker" I mutter getting sleepily as Tommy continued to run his fingers through my hair.

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