•𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗢𝗳 𝗦𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀•

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Nikki's POV, Early December 1984

It had been 2 weeks since Kelly spoke to Tommy, she hadn't gone into detail about what she said to him or what he said back whether that was a good or bad thing I'm not sure of, so I'm not really thinking about it... she didn't seem angry when she came back, annoyed yes... but not angry so it couldn't have gone that awfully right?

Of course I wanted it to have gone decently but like usual my expectations aren't high.

I'm 6 months gone now and let me tell you this baby is a hyperactive little shit, it's definitely Tommy's spawn let's say that.

My bladder lately has been taking a beating, on average now I piss like 12 times a day... yeah, it's annoying the hell out of me- the baby either kicks near that area or settles itself right on top of the organ or something that feels similar to that, I swear the kid does it on purpose to spite me.

Over the last two months the baby's certainly got way more active, it's irritating when I'm trying to sleep or concentrate but it's reassuring to me to know that there's nothing wrong, I think if I didn't feel a kick every hour now I'd panic because I'm now that accustomed to feeling the sensation.

I really fucking loved this kid and I can't express that enough.

Kelly like always has been amazing, whenever she could be with me she was, she'd actually said that if needed she would take time off work but I told her not too, the CEO of the hospital wasn't best pleased with the amount of work she'd missed over the last few months- cause I took her on tour and then she's skipped a lot of work ringing in sick and whatever to look after me when Tommy left, I didn't want her to lose her job.

Today like most days was pretty uneventful, there had been a recording session yesterday which I attended obviously Tommy wasn't there as we're still being kept separate but it went pretty well, we actually are now putting backing tracks together so progress is being made.

Kelly wasn't in work today and I hoped she wouldn't get called in but right now we were just sitting with a tub of ice cream between us singling along like insane people to the songs playing on MTV including a couple of Crüe tracks which have been played, notably 'Looks That Kill' and 'Too Young To Fall In Love'- the ice cream was kinda melting at this point but who cared it's still edible.

We were just enjoying ourselves, it reminded me of back when the band first formed and Kelly and I would spend every night singing random songs and pissing off Vince for fun with our purposely awful attempts at singing, it was fun to piss off a singer... or maybe it's just fun to piss off Vince cause damn, that was fucking hilarious.

Between us we managed to eat the entire tub of ice cream with an hour, it had been a brand new tub... not anymore. Chocolate ice cream has always been a thing both Kelly and I could eat tubs of and not even bat an eyelid, once when we were 15 I remember going over to her house and we raided her freezer and found 3 tubs of chocolate ice cream, we sat at the kitchen table with two spoons and ate all 3 containers within 3 hours, so one tub split in half was nothing.

Once we'd finished the container Kelly disposed of it in the kitchen soon coming back into the room and sitting back where she had been before, right next to me, within a second of her being sat down again I jumped letting out a small yelp as the baby unexpectedly kicked me rather hard.

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