•𝗨𝗻𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲•

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A/N: Wtf is Mick doing in this pic? It's like he's doing an impersonation of Luciano Pavarotti 😂


Nikki's POV, February 9th 1985

2 days. It was 2 days until my due date... yeah, scary shit. I was completely terrified, like just thinking about it made me feel sick, I was freaking out about it a lot, stressing over everything that could go wrong.

I shouldn't stress out but I was, so fucking bad- I hadn't said any of this to Kelly and I know, I know I should... but what do I say?

I'm not just stressed about the next few days... no, I'm stressing right now over something caused by the stress of stressing out. That's confusing but never mind, the thing that I was stressing out about right now was the fact that I'd been getting pains in my lower abdomen now for about two hours.. they were light at the moment but were getting very slowly worse.

I'd convinced myself they were Braxton Hicks but something in the back of my head didn't quite believe that but accepting the fact I could be going into labour right now wouldn't exactly be good for my already incredibly overwhelmed mind.

They really weren't bad though, it was very tolerable actually so I just carried on like usual, I took a shower and changed into another one of my oversized t-shirts seems as they are the only thing I wear nowadays really.

After I'd finished my shower Kelly said she'd take hers and got changed into her work uniform, her shift started at 9:00am it was 8:15am right now, while she was in the shower I made some cereal for both me and Kelly and sat it on the table ready for when she came back down, before sitting infront of my bowl and eating.

Within the time it took to do all of this I'd had 2 more of these cramp like pains which were very slightly worse than before... very slightly. It still wasn't enough to make me completely panic yet so I still remained ignorant.

When Kelly entered the room a few minutes later she went straight over to the sink and grabbed the kettle before filling it and boiling it "Want a hot chocolate?" She says turning to me.

"Yeah, if you got time"

"Course I do, wouldn't have asked if I didn't" she comments softly.

That was a dumb statement from me but my minds a little preoccupied right now "Right, yeah... sorry... bit distracted right now"

"With what?"

"Thinking" I say quickly "'bout the baby"

"You'll be fine, y'know?" Kelly smiled assuringly but it did nothing for me right now because reality was slowly setting in.

"Not so sure about that" I mumble under my breath, sighing softly running a hand through my hair.

"What makes you say that?" The woman says gently making me panic slightly... I can't tell her what I'm thinking, I don't like lying to Kelly, I hardly ever do it but here I don't think I have a choice.

I shrugged "Just overthinking"

"I know it sounds scary Nik, really I know... and yeah, it's gonna hurt but you're gonna be alright... nothing will happen to you or your little one if that's what you're worried about"

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