•𝗔𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻•

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A/N: You guys ready for this? I'm sorry in advance for the hatred you will probably feel at the end 😂


Nikki's POV, September 1984

Okay, so, I was now 10 weeks pregnant and today was the day I'd decided to tell Tommy about our child.

I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to come up with a way to break this to Tommy and after talking with Kelly I've decided just to rip the band aid off and hand him the test and hope for the best- my expectations thought weren't very high but I was maintaining hope that Tommy would accept this.

About 10 minutes ago I excused myself upstairs saying I needed to urgently find something which wasn't really a lie because I needed to find my confidence to come clean.

At the moment I was sitting on Tommy's side of the bed tapping my foot against the floor as I twisted my pregnancy test around in circles between my fingers- it was the original one, the one Kelly got me because I was obviously going to keep it, I wasn't ever going to throw it away- it's one of those little sentimental things, I'm not an overly sentimental person but this was special and it probably always will be the most precious item I'll ever own.

I had to go downstairs but fuck, I was literally shaking with nerves.

Just bite the bullet, Sixx. Get it out the way.

"Okay... you can do this" I tell myself, trying to give myself some confidence because right now I had absolutely none at all. So the coming up here to find it really fucking helped huh?

My eyes just stared at the pregnancy test procrastinating against going downstairs and handing it to my boyfriend- I must sit there for at least another 10 minutes thinking of all the scenarios handing over this stick could create.

Eventually I have to snap myself out of it and once I do I take a deep breath, my eyes then travel to my still flat abdomen and run my fingers lightly over the area before talking quietly and softly to my unborn child "Gotta go break the news to your Dada that you exist... no matter what he thinks about you, you'll be okay... I promise you'll be just fine, I'm not ever going to let anyone hurt you, I promise... we'll be fine... we have aunty Kelly don't we? She'll always help us... fuck, I love you so goddamn much"

My eyes close briefly as I take on some last minute deep breaths before reopening my eyes and making my way out the room, my trip downstairs lasted way more time than it probably should have if I'm honest but there you go.

Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase I pause for a second desperately wanting to back out but I can't... I promised Kelly and anyway the longer I waited the more I was torturing myself, my feet begin to move again leading me to towards the living room.

"Tom, we... we need to talk... I need to tell you something" I mumble as I enter the living room where Tommy's exactly where I left him 20 minutes ago, sitting on the couch, watching the TV. My voice when I spoke was quiet and shaky which clearly alarmed the drummer because his head snapped around to me and he instantly turned the TV down and sat up straight.

"What is it, babe?"

Slowly, I placed myself next to him making sure to hide the hand which held the test- I looked into his eyes "You wanna know what's wrong with me, don't you?" I asked as my mouth went dry with nerves clutching the pregnancy test in my palm, Tommy nods silently looking just as nervous as I was.

𝗔𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now