•𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗜𝘀 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴•

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Kelly's POV

Nikki was now exactly 5 1/2 months pregnant and over the last week has been debating over and over whether he should try and talk to Tommy.

He'd say he would but then second guess himself and back out saying he'd only get hurt more and that Tommy would truly truly hate him.

As I've mentioned, I have been thinking of a plan to try and get them back together or at least on talking terms, I needed to get through to Tommy, I was going to go over to his house and talk to him as best I can and further drill into his thick skull the damage he's doing to Nikki.

The recording sessions have been done very different to how they would usually be done, Tommy and Nikki are now alternating, so one session Tommy will go in then another Nikki will- this way they don't have to see each other and risk sending Nikki into a panic attack, they're dangerous for him and more crucially the baby.

I'd invited Vince and Mick round today and have a chat with them, I'll be talking to them alone for the most part I think because Nikki's back's been killing him today so I told him to stay in bed, he knows they're coming over and I'll send them up to say 'hi'.

They were set to arrive any minute now, I'd just gone and checked on Nikki and frankly he looks pretty miserable because he can't actually move at the moment, I've given him some painkillers obviously which would be safe in his condition- I wasn't going to give him something which could harm the baby- after I'd dealt with his moany ass the doorbell rang just as I was about to sit down, I sighed and went to the front door opening it and seeing the smiling face of Vince and the stoic face of Mick Mars, Vince not so subtly then ran his eye over my form which made me internally roll my eyes but I also did kinda enjoy it.

"Vince, Mick" I greet and open the door further so they can both enter, Mick nods his head as a greeting before going straight to the couch.

"Kelly" Vince says before looking around "Where's Nikki?"

"Upstairs, his backs playing up so... you can go up and see him but be warned he's a misery guts at the moment, I'd suggest you wait until the painkillers kick in"

"Now Nikki knows how I feel on a daily basis" Mick announced as I sit next to the guitarist kissing his cheek.

"Aww, Micky Wicky, I'm sorry but hey, at least you have someone who might actually be more miserable than you for once, that's an achievement don't you think?"

Vince sniggers to himself at my comment while Mick just looks very unimpressed which only makes it funnier.

"Ha, ha" he says dryly "So, what did you wanna talk about?"

"Oh, yeah, basically- I want to try and talk to Tommy... again... I have an idea but I want to see if you two have any more... Nik's not coping without him... he's gonna need Tommy and I think I can get them back together"

"What's your plan?" Vince asked sitting forward slightly.

"I'm gonna go over later and tell him a few things, he's had enough time to think, he can't bury his head in the sand and pretend none of this is happening, I'm gonna tell him as it is and hope to god he comes to some kinda realisation"

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