•𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄•

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Kelly's POV

It was a few days later and the boys have had a 3 night performing streak, tonight was the last night before a 2 day break while we moved to the next location.

It's certainly been taking toll on Nikki's physical health- the stubborn fucker won't admit it aloud but I saw it, he hid it well from the others but he can't hide anything from me- I've known him too long.

Today, Nikki frankly just looked plain sick- he was pale and appeared like he was going to pass out at any given moment.

He can deny it all he wants- but these shows are draining him, he needed to be careful because if he carried on over working himself he's raising the chances of losing the baby and I knew that would destroy Nikki, no matter how scared he is, losing this kid would ruin him.

It was 20 minutes before the beginning of the show for tonight and we were all gathered in Vince's dressing room, Tom and Nik were sat on the couch, well, Tom was sat on the couch with Nikki's head on his lap running his fingers through the older mans hair.

Vince was sat on his dressing table next to me and Mick was just sitting at the small table in the corner of the room bottle of Vodka in hand looking bored out of his mind.

"I'm kinda sad, y'know? We've only got a couple of weeks left of the tour" Tommy spoke into the silence which had fallen over us.

"Why? We're back on the road in a few months anyways, we'll be back out before we know it" Vince replied.

In the moment I almost pointed out that they might not be able to do shows for a while but then realised I can't actually say that- obviously because nobody knows that Nikki's pregnant apart from me and another reason is that I need to see what Nikki wants to do and chat to Doc and Doug about when they're due to record and be back out on the road.

"Still, times fucking flown, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I've actually enjoyed it, forgot how much fun this was" I chuckled lightly.

"It's been a pleasure to have you here" Vince smiled "You should join us all the time"

"If I can get the time off then yeah, sure- I'd love to be on the road with y'all more often"

"I'd like that" the singer smirked.

"Can you not hit on my best friend? I know you have a school girl crush on her but, please?" Nikki called our from the couch where he was now looking in our direction.

"I do not!" The singer insists but it's clear by Mick, Nikki and Tommy's facial expressions they don't believe him "I don't! I'm just saying it's nice to have her around"

"I know it is but you ain't fooling anyone Vinnie, watching you try to flirt is fucking sickening... y'know considering all the pussy you get it's amazing how awful you are at flirting with women, but I guess you never need to use your mouth to talk with groupies do you? You just need your tongue"

"Screw you, Nikki- I can flirt!"

Nik scoffed "Looks like it, doesn't it?"

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