•𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴•

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A/N: This chapter is kinda a filler so that's why it doesn't really do much for the overall plot but eh, it's kinda fun 😂


Nikki's POV, Mid December 1984

Over the last two weeks Tommy and so have spoken everyday over the phone just making simple conversation as that was what I was most comfortable with- Tom's okay with it, he gets why I'm being cautious... he keeps telling me I don't have to be but I'd rather be cautious than have something go wrong and go back to square one.

But, we're getting somewhere and that's the main goal even if it's slow, we were making progress.

Today was going to be the first recording session in over 3 months where Tommy and I will be in the same room, that's gonna be weird for all of us- Vince and Mick weren't sure of the idea at first but I convinced them that if I can give him another chance so can they- there's no doubt the atmosphere will be tense at first hopefully over time that will soften though and it can go back to how it was before, might take a couple of sessions but I knew it'll get there.

The session had been purposely planned by me so it fell on one of Kelly's free days, like usual she could get called away but as long as she's there for some of it that's okay. So, yep, today it was recording, recording, recording. The session was scheduled for 11:00am, right now it's 10:55am.

Basically, we were driving to the studio right now listening to the radio which was blasting out Van Halen, it was a good drive, I enjoyed it and from the feel of it so did the baby judging by the amount of moving it was doing right now.

Kelly and I actually do sing pretty well together when we try, she's a good singer... gives Vince a run for his money- maybe we should replace him with her, nah... but what if..?

Seriously though she should quit her job and become a backing singer for us or something, I'd really like that, so would Vince... wink wink.

We arrive at the studio in pretty high spirits and enter with the same energy something Vince and Mick instantly picked up on.

"What's got you two so happy?" Mick called out from the couch where he was tuning his guitar.

"Nothing much, just spent the journey blasting Van Halen singing our lungs out, certainly giving Vinnie over there a run for his money" I smirked towards the singer who turned and smirked back.

"You think? Maybe we should put that to the test sometime"

"Yeah, I do... and yep, trust me, we will" I say winking at the blonde who came over and punched me lightly on the shoulder, I retaliated by hitting him with a cushion which was next me, Vince jumped behind Kelly and placed his chin on her shoulder sticking his tongue out at me.

"Can't get me now can you?"

That cocky fuck.

"Oh, ya think?" I laugh quite easily reaching over and slapping him hard on his ass making him jump back and yelp, the noise alone made me breakdown into laughter.

"Come on, man, that hurt" he whines rubbing the spot on his ass where I hit him.

"That's what you get for trying to be smart"

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