•𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗟𝗼𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀•

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Nikki's POV, Late December 1984

Hey... so there's some shit to catch up on, let me tell you that. Remember that statement Doc and Doug were gonna release? Well, that happened two days ago and man, did the press come down on me like a tonne of bricks.

I've been plastered on the news, on newspapers, had paparazzi outside my house 24/7, the phone has been ringing all the time- Kelly's answered it in case it's something important but it never has been, it's just magazines wanting interviews and explanations as to how the fuck this happened although in the statement I had said that I won't be doing any interviews until next year on the topic- I said this because the stress of an interview on my pregnancy right now wouldn't be healthy.

I'm happy to answer any questions people have but it's best until I've had my baby first.

The amount of press the band was getting because of this was insane, we'd always had a lot of attention but this was crazy, the reaction was a mix of both negative comments and positive ones, some people hated me with a passion and others saw nothing wrong.

Some dude from the label rang Doc up yesterday and asked if this was some kind of PR stunt to gain extra attention, he said no and I think Elektra right now are kinda thinking about how to deal with the situation... I just prayed they didn't drop us for it.

Tommy rang yesterday and spoke to me for a few hours making sure I was okay, which I found sweet because he didn't need too and before you ask, I'm fine... I am, just maybe a little overwhelmed with the way this has blown up I always knew it was going to but watching it happen is scary because it has only been 2 days since I announced it and it was already out of my control.

The media knew this was gonna sell whether people are fans of our music or not so they're taking it and making the story into anything they want not caring about the mental affects it could have on me but I can deal with it.

Kelly hadn't taken her eyes off me for the last couple of days, whenever she's not at work she's been by my side trying to distract me from the newspapers and the TV, then even if she's at work she rings me whenever she has the time- yesterday she was at work and rang me only about ten minutes after I'd finished talking with Tommy from her office as she was doing paperwork so she was multitasking, something I've always admired her for.

Seriously, she can do like four things at once. How? No clue, but it's incredible to watch.

Kelly was at work right now actually, she'd been gone for about 8 hours, she left at 5:30 this morning- she left me a note seems as I was asleep at that point, I was kinda surprised though that I hadn't woken up when she had as I've always been a light sleeper at night... then again, since having my energy drained by this baby I've noticed I've slept rather heavily.

When I read the note I felt like I had I need to do something for Kelly... after all she's done for me over the last 6 months since finding out I was pregnant, yes 6 not 7- seems as I was already a month gone when I found out- the least I could do was give her something in return, so after a lot of thought which wasted half of the day I'd decided to cook her dinner, granted my culinary skills weren't gonna win me any awards but I wasn't bad by any means... well... depends what I'm cooking really but still, I'll cook her something I can do well and won't give her food poisoning.

I loved her and sometimes to show that actions speak louder than words and in my case no amount of words will be enough to describe how thankful I am to have that woman in my life.

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