•𝗕𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲•

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Kelly's POV, 9th February 1985

Tommy had been upstairs with Nikki for about 2 hours now and I thought I'd check in on them to make sure they haven't killed each other.

No, obviously that wasn't true- I knew he and Nikki had been working stuff out as both men have told me, I was still cautious though, I didn't want to risk Nikki getting hurt.

So once I'd felt they'd had enough time I made my way back upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door "Come in" I hear Nikki call sounding a little tired.

I pushed open the door and was met with Tommy and Nikki sitting up in the bed; Nik holding Indiana in his arms and Tommy then holding Nikki against his side both of them still caught up in their daughter "Everything okay? I hadn't heard you two tearing each other's heads off so I'm assuming everything's fine" I mumble rather quietly trying not to disturb the peace.

Tommy laughs at my words "Don't worry, there won't be any murders today... maybe tomorrow though"

Nikki rolls his eyes at the comment and elbows Tommy in the ribs making the drummer let out a pained 'Ah, fuck'. I scoff and sit end of the bed but Nikki doesn't allow me to remain that far away and moved his legs so I could shuffle further up the bed to be closer to him.

Being this close to Nikki I saw just how much today's taken out of him, he just looks completely done in and that's entirely understandable, he needed to sleep, I sighed "You need rest Nik, you're completely exhausted"

The bassist shook his head "I'm alright right now"

"No, she's right Nikki, you need to sleep... after all you've done today it's deserved" Tommy says as Nik looks at him before looking at me knowing that what we were saying was true, Nikki nods before looking at his newborn.

"Do you want me to take her?" I offered.

He nodded again gratefully "If you don't mind"

My mouth turned into a smile as I'm passed Tom and Nik's little girl, my attention then turned to the drummer "Tom...?" I say nodding towards the door.

"Oh... yeah... see ya later babe" Tommy mumbles pecking Nikki on the lips.

"See ya later, T-Bone" Nik laughs as the drummer leaves the room, I then get up to leave but Nikki grabs my arm first "Wait, are you gonna-... er, actually.. no, it doesn't matter.." he trails off.

I furrow my eyebrows at the u-turn Nikki just made "Am I gonna what?"

"Doesn't matter"

"Nikki" I state firmly making him sigh and shake his head.

"It's stupid"

"No, it isn't.... am I gonna what, sweetheart?"

The man began messing with the duvet as he spoke sounding almost timid "I was just wondering... if you're gonna be here when I wake up? I know I'm a pain in the ass but can you stay?... please, I need you here"

I reached out my hand being mindful of the baby in my arm and placed it onto Nikki's shoulder leaning down as kissing his forehead "If you want me here then that's exactly where I'll be, okay? I love you Nik, I'll be here when you wake up... now sleep, hun... it's been a rough day"

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