•𝗕𝗮𝗱 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴•

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A/N: This chapter was really awkward to write but I loved the plot idea I had for this chapter... I'm very happy with it but it was just really awkward for the first half for some reason- I wanted to make it somewhat realistic? Is that the right word..? I don't know and it's still not that realistic (nothing about this book is) but it literally took me forever to get it somewhere where I was happy with it because I liked the concept of this situation but wasn't sure how to execute it... so this is how it ended up... 😂


Nikki's POV, 9th February 1985

Kelly had been gone a few hours now and the pains I was experiencing weren't going away- they were getting worse, so much worse.

I'd began to admit now the fact I was indeed in labour and I was terrified so denial was still the front and foremost thing in my mind. So, I'd tried to sleep although that didn't happen, every time I get close to drifting off another pain hits me and I wake up so I'd given up trying but I was really tired and couldn't be bothered to go through this anymore.

I'd moved onto my side to try and get more comfortable because laying on my back had began to hurt, it helped relieve my back but not the ever growing contractions.

I lay on my bed with my left hand rubbing back and forth on my baby bump trying to stop some of the pain. I didn't know what else to do about it really, I was getting further into labour whether I liked it or not.

Not knowing what else to do, I continued this action of running my hand over my distended abdomen for about 30 minutes the pain coming and going every 10 minutes or so now, well, it was more five... I wasn't thinking much about what the pain becoming closer and closer together meant, I was focusing on the fact that it's really just pissing me off now.

But, it carried on... the just laying there tolerating the waves of cramp like pain while curling my legs as close to my chest as I could get them wishing the pain to stop, so I could get some more sleep.

I wasn't going to accept that I was going to have my baby, I was still denying it as much as humanly possible... well, I was doing that... until I kinda couldn't anymore, because not 10 seconds after the latest shot of pain I felt as water soaked the lower half of my body and my heart stopped dead in my chest for a second.


To make sure it wasn't my imagination I ran my hand over the bedsheets beneath me and it was soaking wet, yep, my water just broke and I was home alone.

No, no, no. This can't be happening to me. This can't be happening- I'm not ready to do this, I'm really not ready.

My mind was a mess. I'm too scared to do anything, too scared to move, too scared to call my best friend and tell her that I was in labour, ready to give birth in less than a matter of hours. I just lay there still, on my side too petrified to move for about an hour and a half- dealing with the steady string of contractions I was having.

Man, I was so fucking scared, Kelly was still going to be gone for hours... I knew she wasn't going to get back in time now, if I wanted her with me when I delivered my kid I'd have to ring her.

It was a last resort though because she'd missed enough the last few months to make spend time with me I didn't want to drag her from her career but I didn't want to give birth on my own either.

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