•𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿•

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Nikki's POV, Early November 1984

For the last several weeks I've had no motivation to do anything... it was always after seeing Tommy, I just couldn't see the point to leaving the house. It was clear to me I was worrying Kelly and that's something I didn't want to do.

She was trying so hard to cheer me up and she does, I don't think it's registered with her, even after I've told her she helps me I don't think she believes me- I probably don't act overly cheery because I'm still heartbroken but Kelly always makes me happy.

Today, she had actually convinced me to leave the house not that I wanted to really but I had too, I knew that... staying inside wasn't healthy. People will most likely recognize me like usual, yeah- people are kinda used to seeing me and the other guys around now but if you take into consideration my current situation, people are gonna notice- it wasn't exactly something you could miss anymore.

I don't want people to figure out my pregnancy yet, I really wasn't ready for the backlash it's gonna produce- Doc and Doug will help me release a statement and what not, we've agreed on that- that will be made at my 7 month mark. Honestly, I was dreading the fuck out of it but it was an inevitable thing.

Kelly said that we don't have to do much today, she just want me to gain some confidence about being pregnant in public, no- she wasn't forcing me to go... she'd never do that, I could back out if I wanted, I wasn't going to, so at 11am I got up, showered, got dressed, put on a shirt which seems as I own pretty much nothing baggy made my baby bump even more pronounced, I also put on a scarf and let it fall over my front (mostly to try and hide the fact I'm pregnant), a jacket and shoes and went downstairs where Kelly was sat waiting for me.

"Ah, the wanderer returns... you sure you wanna do this?" She asks as I make my way over to her, I nodded and hummed.

"Yeah, I wanna do this"

"You don't sound enthusiastic" she points out standing up and standing infront of me.

"Nervous... but I do wanna go, it'll be nice to see scenery which isn't just a dressing table"

She gives a single nod "If you're sure about it then, if you get too uncomfortable through, tell me and we'll come back, okay?"

"I will"

"Right, let's go then" Kelly smiles walking towards the door, opening it and allowing me to step out. Man, it was weird to leave the house... that's sound so bad doesn't it? Bad but kinda true... it was way to fucking bright out here.

Kelly closed the door and locked it before walking to the car while I make my way to the passenger side and get in, as we drive I take in the view out of the window... I've always found driving therapeutic whether I'm driving or not doesn't matter just watching as the world flys by gives me some kind of peace and I need that right now.

We were heading to a nearby shopping mall, which was actually my suggestion because I need to get some things for myself and begin getting some things for the baby- it took us about 10 minutes to get there overall; Kelly pulled into a parking spot and I saw her glance at me "Nikki?"

"I'm fine" I say unbuckling my seatbelt looking back at her smiling to her while opening the car door and getting out, subconsciously pulling my jacket further around my body and adjust the scarf around my neck to cover even more of my front as I suddenly feel self conscious about my now pretty obvious baby bump.

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