•𝗠𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘆 𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗸•

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Kelly's POV, Early October 1984

It's been a few weeks since the meeting and Nikki confessing to Vince about the baby and he's still the only one apart from Tommy who knows. Mick was next on the list though, he needed to know... it was only fair and Nikki right now needed all the support he could get.

Nikki had said about telling Mick today because this was the first recording session for the new album, not much will be done today but Nik's written some songs and drafted some bass lines and from what I can gather Mick's got a riff he really wants to use so we'll see how this plays out... Tommy will inevitably have to play with Nikki and I was dreading that because at the moment I hated him, Nikki has an anxiety attack practically laying eyes on him and Vince now knows the full extent of what happened, as Nikki informed him of everything that happened the day Tommy walked out on Nikki and he's now pissed at the drummer too.

Vince was at the studio when we arrived as we'd agreed to be there before Mick or specifically Tommy got there, we were waiting praying that Mick was here on time or that Tommy was running late.

The longer time went on the more visibly anxious Nikki got, so to keep him as calm as I could I did my age old trick of tracing on his palm- I don't know why this worked but it's one of my few 'Nikki Hacks' as I like to call them, which I've discovered over the course of our near 20 years of friendship.

After 10 minutes of doing this the studio door opened and Nikki went completely rigid before relaxing when he saw it was Mick who walked through the door.

"Morning, you three are here surprisingly early, any particular reason why?" The man asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vince looked to Nikki "Sure you want Mick to know?" He asks softly. The bassist nodded not saying a word, Vince having been given permission to tell Mick began talking "We needed to talk to you before Tommy gets here"

"About what?" Mick wonders looking rather confused. Vince instead of talking stood up and pulled Mick over to the other side of the room, I got up too and went over to back Vince up.

"Mick, it's about Nikki... and it's... delicate" I tell him keeping my voice rather quiet.

"What's delicate exactly? What's this about?"

I look at Vince and he nods to me- I sighed and look back at Mick "Okay, this might be a little hard to swallow but erm... Nikki's pregnant"

"I fucking knew it" the guitarist states with a small victorious smile spreading on his face as soon as I'd finished talking.

Vince's eyebrows furrowed "What? How?"

Mick rolled his eyes "Please, come on, it was so fucking obvious... the nausea, the avoiding of drugs and alcohol, the lack of energy- it was the only explanation, at first I thought I was going fucking nuts but the longer it went on the more certain I was that he was pregnant, I was right" he shrugged.

"Wait" I said "When you pulled me aside before that show the other month... you did know?"

Mick tilted his head to the side briefly "No... not for sure, but I suspected it... I knew for certain a few of weeks ago, when that shit with the drummer happened"

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