•𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗰𝘂𝗲•

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A/N: This picture of Vince and Nikki makes me ship them so hard NGL, that is not a straight photo-

Also, Vince's A S S 😂


Nikki's POV

It's been 4 days since Tommy walked out and it hadn't got any easier. It was made worse by the fact there was another band meeting today which was going to cover the recording schedule- we were going to be given and the draft tour dates for next year- the tour dates nomatter what they are will be fine, I'll be able to do them, Kelly said my due date will be about the 11th February so whenever the tour is I'll have given birth which is pretty scary to think about actually.

It scares me more than I'll admit... I'm scared somethings gonna happen to me or worse the baby... it'll probably be fine.... Kelly will be here.... but then again will she? She might be at work or something when I go into labour and I end up having the baby alone.

It was my biggest fear and I'm shit terrified of it.

In other news then, Kelly was coming to the meeting as I requested like usual, I wasn't going to go there alone... it was going to be the first time seeing Tommy since he left and I would have a mental breakdown if there alone.

We had 20 minutes to get to the meeting from right now, which wasn't a problem as the meeting is being held at Vince's house so it's a relatively short drive, perks of living 5 minutes away from eachother, for once I was actually ready and waiting by the front door for my best friend to move her ass "Kelly! Come on, I'm getting grey fucking hairs waitin' for you!"

"Don't get pissy with me, Mister! As much as pregnancy gives you perks - bitchin' at me isn't one of them!" I hear her shout from the kitchen which makes me laugh and Kelly comes into my view at the same time "Your hormonal ass happy now?"

"Very" I grinned.

The woman smirked back and placed a kiss to my cheek "Right, let's go"

For a brief moment I'd actually forgotten I'd be seeing Tommy today.... but now that thought was front and foremost in my mind- my face dropped and my gaze dropped to the floor and Kelly saw this "Hun, hun look at me" I did as she asked and looked into her eyes "It's gonna be fine.... if you get too uncomfortable we can leave sweetheart okay? But I'm going to be there... I'm not going to let him say anything to you- come on" she tells me wrapping me in a hug, I return it and nod trying to keep it together.

Kelly pulls back but keeps an arm around me as she opens the door and we walk to the car- I get in the passenger seat because I'm really not in any mood to drive- well, I'm not in the mood to do anything really but I have to go to this meeting unfortunately but I'd much rather stay in bed- is that bad?

Probably, but I can't find it in me to give a shit.

The drive was silent, I got lost in thought about seeing Tommy.... everyone will notice somethings up it didn't take a fortune teller to tell me that - I just hope Tommy doesn't say anything, I don't think he would but at this point I don't know him anymore.

When we pulled up at Vince's it looked like everyone was already here, Tommy's car was sat next to Vin's with Mick's, Doc and Doug's cars a few feet away.

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