Too Little, Too Late

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Hope looked at the lifeless body of her boyfriend, lying on the floor with his neck shattered by the force of MG, she had arrived too late.

Too late to pay attention to what he was planning.

Too late to do things differently.

Too late to make other decisions

Too late to save him.

She cried until her body ran out of tears. She felt Rafael wrap his arms around her, trying to find some comfort in this bitter moment.

The funeral was the next day, Hope kept her head down, refusing to meet the eyes of the rest of the mourners as they passed her. She did not want to be seen with pain or pity. When the coffin hits the ground, Hope left without saying a word.

"Hope!" Rafael call her.

"I'm sorry Raf, right now I just want to be alone" She says to the boy

"Okay, you know where to find me if you want to talk" the man commented.

Hope nodded as she walked into the woods, she walking for a while until she found herself at the old mill, she sat there waiting for time to pass.

Josie walked into the old mill, looked at the tribrid sitting there, sad. She knew Hope blamed herself for what happened, for not being there and stopping MG from killing Landon.

She knew that being around had become uncomfortable for both of them after the whole slug thing, but she didn't feel able to leave her there alone. Hope meant too much to her to do that.

Josie walked over to her and without saying anything sat next to the girl. Hope looked at her for a moment before turning her gaze to the forest. The silence stretched between them until Hope finally spoke.

"Josie, please go." She couldn't bear the pain over the loss of Landon and needed to be alone for when the little control she still had will end.

"I can't, Hope" she said softly. She couldn't let her face the pain alone.

"Where is Raf?"

Josie smiled, Hope thought it would be easy to get rid of her by sending her to look for Rafael, knowing that her weakness is worrying too much about people, so she decided to play with hers, guilt. "Lizzie is with him, she is taking care of him"

Hope nodded and they fell into silence again. Josie stood there, unsure how to start the conversation, so she just said it.

"It wasn't your fault, Hope"

At her words Hope got up and walked to a window. Josie realized that it was not only pain and guilt that boiled within the tribrid, there was also anger.

"It was" she said it in such a way that you'd think she was the one who had sucked Landon's blood to death.

"It wasn't" Josie repeated firmly walking toward her.

"You're wrong, Josie" the anger inside the tribrid was finding its target in the brunette, she tried to control herself "I'm to blame, I'm cursed, everyone who loves me dies, he loved me and that's why he died"

"That's not true and you know it" Josie continued trying to ease the pain of the auburn girl.

"Of course I know, my parents died for the same thing" the tears came from her eyes. "I should have protected him; I should have stayed away from him"

"Hope ..."

"Why couldn't I stay away? Why did I have to be so selfish?"

The questions were asked so desperately that Josie couldn't help but feel bad for the girl and wish she had an answer that would help with the pain she was suffering.

"Hope, you are the least selfish person I know, you have always done your best to save everyone and I know that, if you could have, you would have saved him"

"Then why couldn't I?" That was the question that burned inside her, why could she never save the ones she loved?

"Because we can't save them all and sometimes that includes the people we love." She knew that she couldn't make her understand that it wasn't her fault, but she tried anyway. "Landon made the decision to go with MG"

"He didn't choose to die, Josie and what do you know about decisions when you let Lizzie make all of them for you?"

The moment she said the words, she knew she had gone too far. Josie's mouth dropped open and she took a step away from the tribrid, as if she needed to put space between them to deal with what she said.

Hope approached her.

"I did not want to say that"

"It's okay Hope" she turned away from the girl, her eyes shining with tears that threatened to come out "I know exactly what you wanted to say and you're right I better go"

Josie turned and ran out of the mill, ignoring Hope's screams for her to stop, she knew she had to go after the girl.

"You messed everything up there, girl" a man's voice said.

Hope turned to find a man dressed in an ancient Greek robe and his body covered by eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Hope asked, putting herself on guard. She was sure he was another of Malivore's monsters.

"I am Argos, the one who sees everything" the man introduced himself. "And I can see your girl over there is upset" he said as he sat down in an old chair leaning against a tree.

"You're supposed to be a monster from Malivore, shouldn't you attack me or something?" Hope asked confused by the monster's behaviour.

"I could do that or I could make a deal with you"

"What kind of deal?"

"I listened to your talk with the girl, you wanted to get away from the boy believing that maybe that would save him" commented the man "I can help you to know what would happen, I can see everything, what happened, what will happen and what can and could have passed, give you an answer to your question "

"And what do you want in return?"

"That you finish with Malivore, I know that you are a smart girl and you have the power to do it, I believe that what I ask is a reasonable price for the answer you ask" said Argos.

Hope knew it was a risk, but the thought of seeing Landon again pushed all her worries away.

"how does it work?"

"I just need to put my hand on your forehead and your mind will be flooded by a set of memories, you will have two versions, what happened and what could have happened, when I finish, you will know if what you wanted would have any impact"

The image of Landon flashed through her mind.

"let's do it"

Hope approached the man, who just reached his right hand towards her and touched her forehead, felt something warm running through her, then a pain shot through her and the heat inside her grew stronger.

"What's happening is not how it works!" was the last thing Hope heard.

Then she found herself staring into chocolate-coloured eyes.

"So, are we leaving here?"

Hope smiled, her eyes shining gold.

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now