What the heart wants

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Josie frowned at the screen, she really didn't enjoy horror movies. She got up from her bed and turned to the blonde lying next to her.

"I'll go to the kitchen; do you want something?"

"No, I'm fine" Lizzie gave her a tight smile that faded as soon as her sister turned around. She frowned as she watched her sister leave. Since the night Hope told her what happened, she spent a lot of time trying to imagine the life that the tribrid had lived. A life that not only Hope and Josie were happy, but that she had been too.

She shook her head, dismissing her sudden melancholy. It was ridiculous, she thought sceptically. Josie a mother? And not just any mother, but the mother of Hope's babies? It was crazy. Then there was the idea of Hope and Josie being together. She couldn't imagine it. Or maybe she didn't want to, a voice whispered in her mind.

Her eyes fell on the photo on the nightstand next to her. It was a photo of them on a trip to Paris. Her fingers reached out and she touched their smiling faces, wishing that she and Josie had the closeness they had shared in Hope's dream, not that now they weren't close enough, they were twins, for God's sake, they shared everything. But she was very aware that for some time there were walls that separated them. Walls, she admitted to herself, had put it first without realizing it.

She glanced toward the open door. Then She watch Hope pass by.

"Hey, Hope" she got out of bed and walked to the door.

"Hey" greeted the tribrid. Her face was haggard and she looked tired.

"Haven't you had any luck sleeping yet?"

Hope shook her head. Every time she closed her eyes, she dreamed of Josie and the children and waking up without them became more and more difficult.

"I miss my children"

Lizzie closed her eyes at her simple, painful statement.

"I know" She mutters.

"Hope, are you sure it was real?" the words came out before she could register them but she didn't withdraw them. The truth is that she desperately wanted to convince her that it had not been so. Not only because of the tribrid, but also because of her, she didn't want to think that there was a life out there where she had been happier than she is now. "I mean; how do we know that his powers weren't really illusions of what you really want instead of showing you alternate lives?"

"Are you saying that what I wanted then was to fall in love with Josie?" she asked with a wry smile. Lizzie shrugged in silent defeat. "It was real, Lizzie. I know it in my heart "

Lizzie met her eyes at the quiet conviction she heard in her voice. Now Hope was different. She couldn't exactly place it, but she knew it was that other life that had caused it. The blonde nodded not knowing what else to say, so she changed the subject "so how is your life with Maya?"

Maya was the new wolf girl and now her roommate, the girl was nice but she had no filter when saying things, she had great problems obeying authority and she had no qualms about flirting with her or annoying her.

Hope shook her head.

"Frustrating, everything I say disputes it. But I think she has finally managed to give herself an opportunity to enjoy school "

"Well, Fido, this has to be difficult for her," Lizzie pointed out. "Everything she knew or thought she knew about herself is gone or changed and she has to adapt to a whole new world."

"Is that empathy? Who are you and what have you done with Lizzie Saltzman? " she tries to joke

The blonde rolled her eyes.

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now