A Place In This World

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The loud sound of Hope's cell phone broke the stillness of the night and she blindly looked for it, falling out of bed.

"Are the babies?" She asks quickly.

Since Josie had started the third trimester, Hope had been terrified that Josie would go into labour one of the nights she slept in her room with Lizzie

"Fido, my sister isn't here!" almost screamed Lizzie

Alarmed, Hope glanced at the time on the clock on her nightstand.

"Lizzie it's five in the morning, are you sure she's not in the bathroom or something?"

"I don't know, I woke up for a glass of water and saw that her bed was empty"

Seconds later Hope was opening the door of Lizzie's room.

"Did you call to her cell phone?

"it's turned off"

"Well, we'll do a location spell ..." her voice was cut off when her cell phone started ringing and she saw Josie's name, her chest filled with relief "Josie, where are you?"

"You know, you sneak out to surprise your girlfriend in the middle of the night and all you find is an empty bed, where are you, Hope?" Josie demanded, looking down at the unmade bed that should have an auburn haired girl.

"I was looking for you, Lizzie woke up and you weren't there," she explained.

"Damn, the only time I do this and she wakes up"

"Okay, Jo. I'll tell Lizzie and I'm come back" she hung up the call.

"is she in the hospital? Are the babies coming? " Lizzie asked worriedly.

"Lizzie, she's okay" Hope tries to reassure the girl "she's in my room, apparently she wanted to surprise me"

Relief tore through the blonde followed by anger.

"I'm going to kill her! How could she let me worry like this? Why didn't she leave a note? "

As Lizzie complained, Hope noticed a piece of paper lying on the floor with Josie's family handwriting.

"something like this?"

Lizzie looked at the note and rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to bed, take care of my sister, mutt"

Hope smiled.

"Always" promised leaving the room and returning to hers.

Josie was lying in the middle of the bed, already asleep. For a long moment, the tribrid just watched her, a soft smile on her lips. She looked beautiful, her hair on her face as she snuggled closer against the pillow. Sigh, satisfaction filled her. She slid between the sheets, wrapping her arms around Josie.

"You're finally home," Josie said sleepily.

Hope let exhaustion pull her in, closing her eyes. Her hand rested on Josie's belly and she felt a light kick under her palm.

"Yes, Jo. I'm finally home "

The next time Hope woke up she was alone again.


She didn't answer, Hope's keen hearing caught her in the bathroom. The tribrid got out of bed and went to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Hey, everything's alright?"

"Yes" Josie said opening the door for her to enter.

Hope walked into the bathroom, looking at Josie holding a pair of headphones, as she read the book Lizzie gave her about pregnancy.

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