Tell you how I'm feeling

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Josie left the room quickly, she was in a bit of a hurry, she had left the babies in the care of her father and she knew that the babies could be a big problem when they wanted to.

"Josie!" She hears someone calling her.

The brunette stopped.

"What's up Jade?" She asks the blonde.

Jade was a newly converted vampire with control issues, luckily Alaric had found her before she went in ripper mode all over town.

The blonde looked at Josie nervously. In the past few weeks, her attraction to Josie had increased to such an extent that she was sure she hadn't had any success in hiding her feelings for the witch, but apparently Josie was oblivious to that.

The vampire was about to say something, when Josie's face lit up with joy, and her mouth stretched out into a dazzling smile that made Jade gasp for breath.

"There are my babies!" She almost screamed.

A auburn-haired girl handed her a chubby black-haired baby. The brunette took the baby and kissed him on the neck, making the little boy laugh. She did the same when they exchanged the baby for the other who was holding the auburn girl, and then she brought the girl closer and kissed her on the lips.

"Did you go for them with dad?" Josie asked

"Grandpa needed a break from these little troublemakers" Hope said soothingly as she smiled at Andy. "I also wanted to take you and the babies to lunch"

Love shone in Josie's eyes.

"Josie, won't you introduce us?" Jade asked abruptly, her ego getting hit by the look of surprise on the brunette's face that clearly said she had forgotten she was there.

"I'm sorry, Jade. This is Luke "she indicated with her head to the baby in her arms, and then pointed to the baby in Hope's arms" that's Andy, they're my children. And she is their other mother and my girlfriend Hope "

The tribrid reached out her hand, her eyes were friendly but cautious and her handshake was firm.

Jade shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket.

"I didn't know you were a mother, Josie"

"There's a lot you don't know about me" said the brunette.

"That's true" Jade said with little masked regret that immediately made Hope look at her and knew that she had been caught "well, I'll leave you for lunch"

The blonde continued her way down the corridor until she reached the corner and before turning she gave the brunette one last look. She shook her head.

"I guess you can't have them all"

Hope and Josie walked to their room when they were caught up by Lizzie, who tickled her nephew's feet.

"Hello, wolf and lady wolf" She greets the couple. "and Hello to my miracle babies too"

"Hi, Lizzie" then Josie smiled when Luke began to move in her arms "It seems that someone is hungry, I'll be back in a few minutes" she said entering the room she shared with Hope.

As soon as Josie closed the door, Hope turned to the blonde.

"How is it possible that Jade doesn't know that Josie and I are together?"

Lizzie frowned.

"You want to slow down on your over-reaction train so I can get on board and maybe provide an explanation, mutt?"

Hope ran her free hand over her hair.

"Jade, the new vampire, she didn't know we were together, she didn't even know about the babies" she explained slowly to Lizzie.

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now