I Can't Pretend

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Josie stopped what she was doing and turned around.

"seriously? Is that what you want to name our children? " they had been looking for boy names after Lizzie cast a spell on her sister to find out the gender of the babies. They discovered that they would have two boys.

Hope rolled her eyes. She was sure she had already said all the names in the baby book and they still hadn't found one that they agreed on.

"Well, choose one"


Hope thought of her stepfather and his tragic death.


Josie sighed.

"At this rate, when they are born, the only thing we'll have decided will be Mikaelson"

"Mikaelson, huh?" Hope repeated, unable to stop the smile that spread across her face. She hadn't asked what last name she wanted the babies to have, deciding to wait until they had the names.

Josie just smiled, a little more pride in Hope and her head would get bigger, so she decided to keep looking at the baby clothes.

When they left the store 45 minutes later, Hope's arms were full of bags. Josie kept going through the list she made.

"All this and we still don't have a third of what we need"

"Well, there is still the baby shower or we can search online" Hope reminded her "Lizzie told me that you are resisting having the party"

"I don't feel ready for a party" admitted the brunette. "But I can try"

"I'm sure she'll be happy to know that she finally has your cooperation" Hope smiled, as she put the bags in the car and opened the door for her. Then she slipped behind the wheel and made her way back to school.

"Everything will be fine, I think we'll have fun," Hope assured as she stopped at school and began to remove all the bags from the car.

They walked until they reached Hope's room, dropping the bags on the bed. The tribrid's cell phone rang, indicating a message.

"It's Lizzie, she wants to know if you'll stay with me or will you go back to your room"

Josie hesitated. They had spent the whole day together and she wondered if the tribrid wanted to spend time alone. After all she had never been very social, she was more like a lone wolf.

"Yeah, I guess I should go, you're probably looking forward to some time alone."

"I want you to stay" Hope sat next to her on the bed and smiled at her surprised look. Hope knew she wouldn't have asked for that before Josie had become an important part of her life. Before, she probably would have given her the option and then she would be silent waiting for her to decide to stay, but somehow Josie made her bold. Always had.

"Then I'll stay" she said giving the girl a hug. They held each other for a moment. Josie relaxed. "this is good"

"Yes, it is," Hope agreed.

A light flapping made Josie pull away and look at Hope uncertainly. Then she felt it again.



"I think the babies just moved." She smiled widely when she felt the slight movement once more. She took the other girl's hand and placed it on her stomach. "Do you feel that?"

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now