Coming Together

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Josie was taking a walk around the lake when she found Maya sitting on the small dock, her gaze lost on the lake. The brunette realized that she seemed lonely and wondered if she had someone who cared for her besides Hope.

"Hey" greeting Josie

"I was leaving," Maya said as she tried to stand up.

"why?" Josie stopped her "I think there's plenty of space for both of us"

Maya smiled.

"How was New York?"

"As always" She reject the question "how was everything around here?"

Maya laughed humourlessly and looked out at the water, feeling more self-conscious than she wanted to show. She shrugged and tried to make it look like what had happened was no big deal.

"Well, if you say that a fight with the wolves that ended with Mg dead for a few minutes as normal in school, then it was all great"

Josie smiled sympathetically.

"Well, I assure you it was the most normal week they have had, since the Malivore thing"

"You know Hope thinks I'm doing this to get attention, but I know what's being at the bottom of the food chain at school and I don't want to go back there."

Josie looked at her understandingly.

"I can understand that"

Maya was about to say something else when a voice interrupted her.

"You didn't tell me you were back," Hope said.

"I think I'll go see MG" Maya said before getting up and leaving the couple alone.

"Yeah, well, you didn't tell me that your ex-boyfriend was alive and staying with you, so..." she shrugged coldly.

Hope shuddered at the cold in her voice.

Josie stood up and finally faced her.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to see you connect with my roommate in a way that I haven't been able to" she answered quietly.

Hope had been looking for the brunette since Landon told her she's come back, just arrived at the dock when she saw Josie talk to Maya effortlessly, giving her what the werewolf needed: understanding.

"It wasn't a big deal"

The fact that she believed that, was one of the reasons she loved her. She took a step toward her, wanting to erase some of the pain she had inadvertently caused.

"Josie ..."

"Don't do it" said the brunette harshly and the tribrid stopped, but it still felt like she was too close, so Josie step back. Her back was straight and her shoulders tight as she told herself forcefully that the best way to deal with this, was to pretend it hadn't been a big deal. She could never look Hope in the eyes again if she knew how much she'd hurt her.

She took a deep breath, hoping her voice didn't reveal the weakness she felt.

"Look, Hope, I've already spoken to Landon, so there's no need for explanations. We went to the beach and had a picnic, it's not like it meant anything ... "

She stopped when she felt her hand between hers and looked anywhere but at the tribrid's face, she didn't want to see the guilty regret she was sure to find on her face.

Hope watched as Josie avoided her gaze with determination, tears shining in her eyes. She lifted her hand and cupped her face, her thumb brushing her cheekbone.

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