Todo Cambio

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Josie walked into her room with an unfriendly face. She was nauseous, exhausted, and didn't want to see anyone. The nausea and exhaustion were probably her fault, she thought grudgingly. The conversation with Hope weeks ago had left her overwhelmed with emotions and in her own way she had thrown herself into something else to distract herself. This time it had been the investigation, she had discovered about the merge, so she spent late at night reading, looking for a solution. She had hardly eaten and slept these weeks.

She threw her backpack on the bed and lay down next to Lizzie who is reading a book.

"Hello to you too, dear sister"

She didn't respond, thinking that she should probably wait for her stomach to settle.

Lizzie, seeing that her sister did not respond, put down her book and looked at her sister, an uncommon sulk on her face

"Ok Jo, what's wrong?"

"I am temporarily suspended"



"What did Satan do now?"

"She only opened her mouth, when she shouldn't"

Josie knew that it was not so bad, the witch had only told her the truth, that she looked horrible, the hours without sleep were taking their toll and she knew it.

But she was not in the mood to listen to her nonsense so, she had bewitched her, her teacher noticed it and told her father that he suspended her for today and tomorrow.

"I think I'm going to get sick; I haven't been feeling well lately" Josie complained.

"Maybe you should go to the infirmary," Lizzie advised with concern.

"Don't worry, maybe I just need to eat well and rest, I'll be fine"

The days passed and Josie looked more tired than before, until what everyone feared happened. Josie was coming down the stairs to the living room, when she suddenly fainted. Fortunately, Hope was passing by and she managed to catch her.

"what happened?" Hope asked with the brunette in her arms.

Lizzie ran to her side.

"I don't know" her eyes scanned her sister "she told me she hadn't been feeling well lately"

"Take her to our room, I'll go get her some food, she probably hasn't eaten, she's been doing a lot of research about The merge" said Lizzie

Hope nodded and carried Josie into the room. She used her magic to open the door and closed it with her foot. She walked over to the bed, but it was reluctant to let her go. Now that there was no one around, she let her eyes wander over the brunette's face.

It had been a while since she'd looked at her, she'd been avoiding her just like she knew Josie was avoiding her. These days she had been convinced that what happened was a slug-induced mistake. She and Landon had been fighting lately, he had learned that she was hiding what she knew about his mother from him and now they were separated.

But now looking at Josie that pain disappeared, leaving in its place a feeling, which, if Hope had not been so nervous, she would have sworn it was peace. The warm weight of her against her body, the scent of her shampoo, brought back the memories she'd been avoiding.

She carefully laid her down on the bed. Her face looked pale, but even with the paleness, she couldn't help how beautiful she was. She reached out her hand and caressed her cheek.

At the sound of the door opening, she pulled away and stood up.

The blonde entered the room, with a soup and a glass of mineral water.

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