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After going out to get some air, Hope returned to her room, feeling exhausted between the pain she felt for the loss of her children and the concern she felt for Maya. She stopped in surprise to find Landon inside. She had forgotten about him.

The boy gave her a smile, hoping her mood had improved now that she was out for a breath. She didn't smile back and the boy's brows drew together in concern.

"Hope, is everything okay?"

"No, it's not, Landon" she clenched her jaw at the thought of the missing crib once again and a life that should have included the sweet laughter of babies. She passes by Landon "we have to talk, but right now I have to figure out what to do with Maya, remind me to thank Dr. Saltzman, before Maya, I didn't know what it was like to battle with such a stubborn person"

"Don't you think you're being a bit harsh on Maya?"

"I'm trying to help her. She doesn't know anything about wolf dynamics" Landon didn't understand. He knew nothing about the supernatural world, a world to which he and Maya now belonged. "And now she's one step away from getting beaten up by the entire pack. Maya has to adjust "

Landon could see Hope's self-guilty look.

"Don't be too hard on Maya, or on yourself. You can't stop her from making her own decisions Hope "

"I know" She accept the tribrid "you know of all the conversations that I imagined we could have if you were alive, I never imagined this. That you could understand "

"You don't seem to know me as well as you thought" Landon smiled.

"I think we never knew each other so well" Hope said seriously.

"What are you talking about?" the phoenix looked at her in confusion.

"Landon, we need to talk. There is something I need to tell you ... "

Hope's phone rang and Landon couldn't help but be relieved by the interruption. After a little chat with the person on the other end of the phone, the tribrid hung up.

"I need to go, Maya had a fight with the wolves and apparently MG was injured" she reported.

"is he okay? If you want, can I go with you? "

"No, they're wolf things, it wouldn't turn out well for someone who isn't a wolf"


Before the boy could say anything else, Hope left the room.

Josie walked into the school carrying her suitcase and a bag of gifts that she had brought for Maya and Hope. She walked to her room and left everything there, deciding to deliver the gifts after their date at the festival. Then she practically ran into Hope's room and, not caring to knock, opened the door.

"Hope, guess who just arrived?"

She was shocked as she looked at the dead boy standing in the middle of Hope's room.


Landon smiled at the brunette.

"Hello, Josie"

"Don't take it the wrong way, but you weren't... dead?"

Although she knew it was irrational, her first thought was that the moment Hope's devotion to Landon had faded, the boy had risen from the grave to continue the drama between them.

"I happen to be a phoenix, so I can't die permanently." Landon smiled. "So Hope and I can be together without her worrying that I'll die."

"Hope and you?"

Landon smiled more earnestly.

"Hope is the only person I've ever loved and after the whole phoenix thing, we can be together forever."

Unable to look at him anymore, Josie lowered her gaze to the ground.

"when did you get back?"

"This morning, Hope let me stay in her room, until your father finds me a place to stay."

Landon lost in his own happiness, he didn't look at Josie's shudder.

This morning? She swallowed the bile that rise up her throat. So, Hope asked her over the phone to come back and then the moment they hung up, did she invite her ex to live with her?

Josie avoided the boy's eyes, fearing she'd start screaming or worse, cry. She didn't want to be there anymore.

"Well I... should go. I just came to say hello. Congratulations on..." she couldn't bring herself to say for being with Hope and had to end with "you know, being among the living"

She turned around and left the room, so she ran to her room. The trip to the festival was completely cancelled. She needed time to herself before she could confront Hope and be as nonchalant as she wanted to be when she gave the tribrid a choice to get out of the mess she had gotten into.

Maybe tomorrow she would be able to laugh and tell her that it was no big deal. That she hadn't done exactly what she had allowed herself to do, believe her, believe that she ...

"Stupid," she whispered harshly, feeling the wetness of tears on her face.

She should have known better, Josie berated herself silently, than to believe that Hope could change. She had seen Landon and Hope's relationship. They always managed to get back together. He was what Hope had always wanted. How could she have really thought that if Hope Mikaelson had the chance to pick between her and Landon, that she would ever choose her?

She buried her face between the pillows on her bed, trying to stifle the tears and the enormous feeling of loneliness she felt.

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now