Baby Shower

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When the first rays of sunlight hit the tribrid, she buried her face in the pillow, only to discover it had grown hair. Long, silky hair with a sweet smell. When she opened her eyes she looked at the woman she was holding in her arms.

"You know, I can always tell when you're looking," Josie said, with a smile.

Hope rested her chin against her shoulder.

"seriously? How?"

"You hold me tighter," she informs her, keeping how much she loved that. Looking back over her shoulder, she met those deep blue eyes "what are you thinking about?"

"How I feel"

Josie turned in her embrace, pressing her body against the other girl's. Enjoying how her skin felt against hers.

"You feel good to me"

Hope smiled.

"That's not exactly what I meant"

"I'm sorry" She mumble without regret and tilt my head back so she can look into her eyes "how do you feel?"

The tribrid raised her hand and brushed her hair away from Josie's face as her expression turned serious.

"happy. I feel happy"

Josie's eyes softened and she leaned closer, brushing her lips with the auburn girl, letting her lips linger for a few seconds. Then she leaned back, her hand caressing her cheek.

"Good, because I feel the same"

Josie's cell phone rang and she reached for it and rolled her eyes when she saw the screen.

"Lizzie set an alarm to remind me of the baby shower." She flopped onto her back. "I still can't believe we have accepted this"

"Jo, it won't be that bad" Hope said in a loving tone, kissing her forehead. Then Josie looked at her seriously, making Hope raise her hands in surrender "okay, I'll take it back, it will be absolute torture"

"Good" she gave her a light kiss and got out of bed "because you're coming with me"


She put on a Hope's big t-shirt as she spoke.

"Yeah, you didn't think you were going to get rid of this, did you?"

Hope sat up and pulled Josie to her side.

"Okay, but after the party you come back here with me"

Josie smiled at her, as she brushed a lock of auburn hair over Hope's ear.

"That's the third time this week, are you sure you're not tired of me?"

"Never" she promised, pulling her even closer. The nights that Josie stayed with Lizzie were unbearable. The bed felt empty without her body there. During those long hours of darkness, her wolf felt restless inside her until she saw her the next day. If it were up to Hope, Josie would spend every night with her, but she didn't want to pressure her. Instead, she said lightly, extending the little hook "besides, I still have to give you my gift."

Josie backed away in surprise.

"It's not that I'm complaining, but do you realize that other people are supposed to give us things?"

"Yes" she agreed "but this is special"

"Special huh?" she asked curiously "what is it?"

"Nah uh, you're going to have to wait." Hope smirked when Josie pouted adorable.

"You're just saying it so I have to come back here after the party," She charges.

Hope's hand caressed her belly over the shirt, as she spoke slowly to her children.

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