Begin again

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Hope walked from one side to the other fixing everything in case the night went as expected. She sat down on the small couch where she had been sleeping. It was easier for her to sleep there than in her own bed, which always felt empty.

"You can do this, Hope" she tried to cheer herself up "besides, it's too late for you to regret it"

Nor had she slept more than a few hours a night since the day Argos had brought her back, but she knew that wasn't the cause of the familiar exhaustion that gripped her. They were the memories of her previous life that came most strongly in her dreams. Sometimes she thought that trying to forget was her only hope to get away from the memories that haunted her. Other times, especially at night, she thought about looking for a way to return to her previous life, even though it had only existed in her mind, it was what she longed for.

"He didn't choose to die Josie and what do you know about decisions when you let Lizzie make them all for you"

"I didn't want to say that"

"Okay Hope, I know exactly what you wanted to say and you're right I better go"

She wished she could get rid of the memory of Josie walking away from her, her eyes red near tears, and that memory haunted her as much as the others, because it was the last they shared. She couldn't bear the thought that she had hurt her with her carelessness.

she hears a knock on the door. She's on time, she thought with a shadow of a smile. Some things never changed, no matter what universe it was. The smile disappeared as she remembered how different things were from how she wanted them. She stopped and went to open it.

Josie stood in front of her door with a challenging look in her eyes.

"Hi, Hope. I'm here, you can stop sending me notes or text messages now" she said dryly.

Well, She's still angry

"Well, I thought you wouldn't talk to me unless I gave you a reason to," Hope confessed.

Hope stepped aside to let her pass, Josie walked in with her arms crossed defensively.

"What was so important that after ignoring me, you decided to call me?"

To anyone else, the brunette might have seemed simply irritated, that temper she kept hidden from the world, but now starting by the fact that the tribrid had inundated her phone and room with calls and notes until she answered, but Hope wasn't anyone. She was the woman who loved her, who knew everything about her, down to the way her shoulders tense when something bothers her and she doesn't want anyone to know. Exactly how tense they are right now.

It took everything she had to avoid pulling her close and holding her until all the pain they were both feeling faded away. She tries to think how she would have apologized earlier, but it felt like a lifetime had passed since then. And standing there with the familiar scent of her perfume reminding her of what she had lost, she knew she couldn't just go back to that time when they had exchanged pointless conversations, pretending not to see how each other felt under the surface.

Hoping not to scare her, the tribrid took a step forward.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, Josie. I was angry and took it out on the only person who tried to help me, I didn't mean what I said" Hope said sincerely.

Josie looked into Hope's blue eyes and felt the tension leave her shoulders. She would never admit it, but she hated fighting with the tribrid.

"Okay, Hope. I understand that you were in a difficult moment "

Hope nodded, relieved that Josie had so easily forgiven her.

Not wanting to put too much stress on the little truce they'd made, Josie glanced toward the door.

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now