Parent's Love

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Josie took a deep breath before entering her room, her sister had an altercation with Penelope the day before and she knew she would be in a terrible mood today.

"Hey" Josie greeted the blonde.

"Hey" Lizzie greeted excitedly "Happy birthday to you two, isn't a beautiful day for a party?"

Josie with the whole baby thing, she had forgotten that today was her birthday.

"Right" said Josie "you're ... happy"

"Why not be? Mum comes home, I slept with Raf, my pores are practically invisible "

"wait? Did you sleep with...? " the brunette still couldn't believe her sister's words.

"Last night" she said "do you remember that mom always says that in the end things works out?"

"I hope she really believe that when I tell her about the babies" Josie sighed, today she would tell Caroline that she was pregnant, she was a little terrified.

"Yeah, good luck telling mum you'll be part of Teen moms" Lizzie encouraged "but somehow she's right, you know. Now I have a boyfriend and you have Hope "

"Lizzie, Hope and I aren't .."

"Woot, woot! Happy birthday, witches! " Penelope interrupted carrying two cupcakes.

"Oh look. Satan in a crop top" said Lizzie" you've come to set my world on fire "

"Retro. Lady Di die before she had style. I like it" Penelope joked.

"what do you want?" Josie asked wearily, she had no mood for anything Penelope wanted.

"I just want to cheer you up, as your mother is not going to come ..."

"What?" both twins asked.

"I heard it cancel at the office. I thought you knew, oops! " she said without remorse.

Lizzie was enraged and slammed the door in her face with magic. Josie for her part sighed relieved, this gives her more time to prepare how to tell her mother about her upcoming maternity.

"I can't believe it" Lizzie said annoyed.

"Lizzie ..." Josie was cut off by a knock on the door "Penelope if it's you ..."

"Hi" Hope said looking at her best friend. "We were supposed to meet for breakfast this morning" she handed a cup to the brunette "herbal tea"

since Freya had told Hope that the drink would help Josie with her morning sickness, the tribrid greeted the brunette every morning with a cup. That gesture was an important part of her days.

"Is there a problem?" Hope asked noticing Lizzie's annoyed face.

"Mom, she won't come for our birthday," Josie said while taking a drink from her tea.

"Oh" was the only thing that came out of Hope's mouth.

"Yes, if you excuse us, Wolfie. Your babies' mama and I have something to talk with daddy" Lizzie said taking her sister's hand and dragging her out of the room.

"Thanks for the tea," Josie said hastily as she was dragged by her sister.

Hope just smiled at her.

The twins arrived at the office, when they tried to open the door they found it closed, but they could hear voices inside. Lizzie played.

"EH ... dad, why is your door closed?" the annoyed blonde asked.

"And when were you going to tell us that mom wasn't coming?" Josie asked.

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