Little Talk

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Hope woke up, still confused by her dream.

"Josie?" she said her girlfriend's name.

A big smile adorned her face at the thought. Her girlfriend.

"She left" Maya said as she handed her a sheet of paper "but she left you a note."

Hope took it and read it aloud.

"I had to go with Lizzie. You looked too cute to wake up. See you tonight, Hopey "

"That's nice" Maya said as she put on her shoes "I guess things are going well?"

She thought back to her last weeks with Josie and only smiled even more radiantly.

"Yes, I think things are going well"

Maya scoffed.

"That's an understatement, considering this is Josie's third time spending the night since the festival, so I'd say things are going very well."


"Hey, don't worry. I like spending the night with Jessica, if you know what I mean" said the brunette suggestively.

"Jessica? What happened to Lucy? " Hope asked confused.

" we're good friends, now" Maya said with a smile. "I'm glad you and Josie are fine, maybe that will keep you from being so tense all the time" joked the brunette, earning Hope to throw a pillow at her that she dodged without problems.

Hope's mind went back to her first date at the festival and how that night had ended better than she thought.

"Are you sure you don't want to ride the Ferris wheel?" Josie asked Maya, who decided to join them to the festival.

"No thanks Josie, I find it a bit confined up there"

Behind Josie, Hope was laughing. While she saw how the wolf preferred to go to the cotton candy

Josie sighed and then linked her arm through the tribrid's, pulling her toward the waiting line.

"Well, I guess it'll just be you and me, Hope"

"What if I don't want to get on?" Hope asked even as she let Josie drag her away.

"You don't have a choice" she smiled at her.

The auburn girl rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips as she lined up with her. The wheel slowed to stop and lower the passengers. Hope and Josie walked over and sat in the empty seat, swaying a bit as the operator closed the metal bar across their laps.

The journey began and the tribrid began to see what Maya meant by confinement, Hope thought with a slight grimace. To distract herself from the feeling of being lifted back into the air by the metal ride, she glanced at Josie and noted her serious expression as she watched the Festival. She frowned and rested her arm on the back of the seat. "Hey, are you okay?"

She looked at her with sad eyes and gave her a pale smile. "It's nothing Hope. I just thought I was going to sleep alone tonight, since Lizzie comes back tomorrow."

She hated how lonely she sounded at the time and wished countless times this was another life, one where she could take her to her room and hold her in her arms all night so she would know she was loved.

"Why don't you stay with me tonight?" The words came out before she could rethink them and when her big eyes looked at her, she stuttered: "With me and Maya, of course. I don't want you sleeping alone"

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