A Good Day

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"Wow, is that supposed to be so fast?" Josie asked in amazement, as she listened as the rapid beating of the babies' hearts filled the room. The last time they did an ultrasound, the sight of the babies had captivated her too much to pay attention to the rapid heartbeat. But today she did.

"Yes" answered Elena while moving the wand through Josie's belly " a baby's heartbeat is usually between 120 to 160 beats per minute"

"Babies are getting too big, is that normal?" Hope asked worriedly.

Elena smiled patiently at the girl.

"The babies are getting a little bit bigger than I expected, especially given the difficult start they had, but both Josie and the babies are healthy. How do you feel, Josie? "

"better now. The morning sickness is gone and my breasts are no longer so sensitive "

Hope turned red and looked away.

"When will I start to feel the babies moving?"

"Well now that you're starting your second trimester, I'd say in the next few weeks"

"How will it feel?" she asked curious.

"A slight pressure or like a flutter" she turned to Hope "but just because Josie can feel it doesn't mean you can. You will have to wait for the babies to get bigger so that their movements can be felt from the outside"

Hope shook her head.

"As long as they're okay, that's all that matters"

Elena handed more information pamphlets to Josie and ended the exam.

"then what do we do? We have the rest of the afternoon free" said Hope.

"Well, our children are hungry"

The words warmed the tribrid's heart. She takes Josie's hand.

"Then let's take our children to eat"

She takes her into the kitchen and make a sandwich for both of them. They both sat at the bar lost in their own thoughts as they ate. It wasn't until Josie finished her lunch that she announced.

"I think it's time for you to tell the rest of your family about the babies"

Hope choked on her sandwich and had a glass of water.


"I was thinking that if I have to tell my mother that I am bringing her first grandchildren into the world, then I think you have to do something equally unpleasant."

"Didn't you tell your mom?" Hope asked in surprise, because in the confusion of the last few months, she had completely forgotten about the blonde woman.

"No, because the last time I did something she didn't like, I had a conference for 3 hours and 2 months of punishment. For this she probably disinherits me "

"She's going to kill me, right?" she put down the rest of her sandwich, her appetite disappeared when she remembered the woman, Caroline was very nice to her, and she may have had a thing for her father, but she knew that she wouldn't like her daughter becoming a mother so soon and less of a Mikaelson child. She wouldn't like it at all.

"She can't kill you, you were just going to back to life, you're immortal" Josie consoled her, stroking her hand, then reached out and took Hope's sandwich to take a big bite.

"She can try" she stood up "why do you want me to tell the rest of my family? You know they will come immediately, right? "

"For many reasons, first I know that you would love to see your family again and I also know that you want to share the news with them, you're only afraid of how they will react. But the most important thing is because I don't want to call mom "

Hope laughed.

"So you will face your mother if I confront my uncles and aunts?"

"Something like that" when she saw her hesitate, Josie reached out to touch her arm "come on, I'll be brave for you and the babies if you're brave for us"

"What if they are upset or disappointed?" She finally confessed her fear, that fear had followed her for the last few years, that her family realized that her parents and her uncle Elijah had sacrificed for nothing.

Josie's heart ached for her and for the possibility that she was right. But Josie wouldn't allow herself to believe that, and she wouldn't let tribrid believe it.

"They love you Hope, maybe they will be surprised by the news, but they will accept it"

For a moment Hope put herself in her parents' shoes and realized that she would sacrifice everything for her children. Even to the wrath of her family.

Josie recognized Hope's look, the one that said she had a lot to think about and would run like a wolf to calm herself. Then she stood up.

"Well I'm tired, so will you lose your bed for a few hours?"

"Your room?"

"Lizzie and MG"

Hope nodded, her eyes following her as she left the kitchen. Then she got out and followed the familiar path into the woods, reflecting on what Josie had told her. She knew she had to talk to the rest of her family. It wasn't like she could keep the secret forever.

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