High Hopes

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Josie was a bit surprised when Hope led them to a large mansion outside of Mystic Falls. Hope refused to look at her until she parked the car in front of the big house.

"Well, I have to admit that this was not what I expected, where are we?"

Hope took a deep breath.

"This house is mine, my father left it to me when he died. Aunt Freya is waiting for us inside "


"I asked her for help, for you"

"I thought you still didn't tell your family," Josie said a little nervous to meet a member of Hope's family.

Hope got out of the car and walked purposefully to the door, and Josie followed her. The tribrid opened the door, letting Josie pass first.

They walked into the great room when Hope was assaulted by a blonde woman, who hugged the girl as if she hadn't seen her for a long time.

"Aunt Freya, this is Josie. Josie, my aunt Freya" Hope introduced them.

"Welcome to the family, Josie" said the witch. "Although I would have liked to meet you in better circumstances"

"Nice to meet you, Freya. Just like me, nobody knew this would happen" Josie commented touching her still flat stomach.

Freya smiled.

"Yes, it seems that my dear niece has the same disdain for the rules of nature as my brother" Freya joked.

Josie smiled looking at Hope who just blushed at the comment.

"Auntie, I need you to help me keep Josie and the baby safe"

"Don't worry, Hope. I brought everything to do some tests on Josie and find out what we are dealing with, we'll solve this" reassured Freya.

Josie caressed her belly somewhat cautiously.

"Will it hurt the baby?"

"No, Josie. You're safe" assured Freya.

"Well then, what do I have to do?"

"Let's do a magical paternity test first" Freya commented.

"I don't think it's necessary, it's mine, I'm sure" Hope said, annoyed with her aunt.

"Okay, Hope. It's your family and they just want to make sure. It doesn't bother me" Josie tried to calm the angry wolf.

Freya poked Josie's finger, scooping out some blood and pouring it into a bowl and did the same to Hope.

The witch Mikaelson sang a few words in a language unknown to the siphon, she expected the blood to do something, but there was no change in the bowl.

"everything is alright?" Josie asked.

"Yes" smiled Freya "congratulations Hope, you will be a mother. Josie carries the next generation of the Mikaelson's family. "

"But It doesn't change" Josie said.

"It's because they share the same blood, if we had seen a change, it meant that it wasn't my niece's baby" explained Freya.

"Well, now that you've answered your own questions, I need you to help Josie." Hope still looked annoyed by the need to verify that what Josie was saying was true.

Freya motioned for Josie to lie down on a kind of massage bed she had in the middle of the room. Hope helped her up taking her hand.

Freya placed her hands on Josie's belly, singing a few words, Hope did not know how long as she watched her aunt perform the ritual.

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