The Gift

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"The time discovers truth".- Seneca

Hope stood in front of Josie's door with nerves churning heavily in her stomach. She let out an unsteady sigh, nodding to herself. Today was the day. She knew that some secrets would always be necessary in life, but others only separated people, damaging them from the inside out. She wouldn't let it do that to her and Josie.

She knocks on the door and wait for the brunette to open it.

"Hi Hope" Josie greeted surprised to see her there so early in the morning. Usually the tribrid was training with her father at this time. She leaned down and kissed her.

Hope returned it, kissing her deeply, her hand reaching up to cup her jaw. She felt her surprise when she rocked against her body. Her hand rise to her collarbone and she knew she could feel the rapid beating of her heart under her palm. She kissed her gently one more time, then rested her forehead against hers.

Josie giggled slightly, a little out of breath.

"So, any particular reason for the warm greeting?"

"I had a dream about you last night" Hope confessed impulsively as her hand slid down her throat, gently stroking the sensitive skin there.

"Oh, that good?"

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a smile as she dropped her hand.

"It wasn't like that, Josie."

She frowned.

"So what kind of dream was it?"

she had dreamed about the four of them, Josie, her and the boys, all together as the family they had been. It had been the first time she had had a dream like this in a long time and it had been as real as the others, leaving her feeling like a hole inside when she woke up alone. It had reinforced her decision to tell Josie everything. No matter what her reaction would be, she wanted her to know. She needed her to know.

"Come on, I'll tell you" she said as she entered to the room and sat on Josie's bed.

Hope was acting strange, even for her, Josie thought. Normally she would have teasing her about it, but there was something in her eyes that made her nod. She sat down next to her.

Hope joined her hands making Josie frown she was going to say something, but Hope's strange melancholy mood stopped her. It wasn't the normal brooding silence she was used to. It was something deeper. Then, she waited, with a patience she didn't know she had, for her to say what she wanted to say.

the tribrid looked down at her hands, her thumb brushing her knuckles as she tried to keep her heart from beating out of her chest. It was time to tell the truth. After this, there would be no more lies between them.

"Josie, there is something I need to tell you." She remembered the times she had had this conversation with others and shook her head. "You know, I told your dad, Lizzie and even Landon. But the person I wanted to share it with is you."

Trying to hide the pain, she felt that the tribrid had trusted everyone but her.

"Wow, that must have been a great dream if you went and looked for your ex to tell him."

"No, Josie, this isn't about the dream" she was already saying all this wrong.

Josie squeezed the hand she was holding to let her know she wasn't going anywhere.

"So what is it, Hope?"

She took a deep breath to steady herself.

"The day of Landon's funeral, the day I hurt you, I ran into a monster just as you left"

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