NOLA Witches & Crescents Wolves

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"Pack their blankets" Josie said, while looking for her other shoe, the brunette looked stressed.

"Jo, you don't have to come if you're tired, Aunt Freya and Keelin can help me with the twins."

"Please, I won't miss the presentation of my children with the witches and werewolves of New Orleans" said the girl while looking for the shoe under the bed.

Freya had come a week after the twins were born, to give them the news that the witches and wolves were asking for the presentation of the twins. That, although they didn't live in New Orleans, they were part of the supernatural community because they were Hope's children, who belonged to both factions.

The witches had a small presentation meeting, where the babies received blessings from the community, as well as their acceptance in it.

In the case of wolves, they usually didn't do such a thing unless they were the alpha's children. With Hayley dead, Hope was theoretically the Alpha. Although the pack was led by a Jackson's cousin, their sons were still royalty and part of the alpha line therefore they had to be introduced to the pack.

So those were the reasons they were looking for a shoe.

"Found it," Hope said as she pulled the shoe out from under the bed, and put the shoe on Josie's foot. "It fits" Hope smiled.

"I guess that makes you my charming princess" Josie said taking Hope's face and giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

The babies waved their arms excitedly. Josie looked at her children and then walked over to Hope.

"Although I think we have the story a little backwards" she whispered to the tribrid.

"Well, if anyone had to have their fairy tale turned upside down, it would definitely be us" Hope joked.

Josie was about to take the baby carriers, but Hope stopped her.

"Do you remember what Elena said?" She reminded her "to take it easy, that means I carry things"

"Good," Josie relented. Leading the way to the exit, when they reached the ground floor, they met Alaric.

"Where are you two going this morning?" asked the director looking at the suitcases and carriers with the babies that Hope carried "I thought you were asleep"

"Just a little trip to New Orleans," Josie said to her father, "apparently we have to introduce the twins to the supernatural community there and with Hope's driving, we'll probably be out all weekend."

"I'm being cautious, Jo"

"You're being very overprotective, Hope" replied the brunette.

The auburn woman gestured toward their children.

"Are you telling me that you're willing to have something happen to them?"

Josie's eyes met Luke and she melted at the serious look the baby gave her. The brunette sighed and looked at her father.

"We will return sometime on Sunday"

Alaric smiled at his daughter and leaned over to the babies.

"Goodbye, little ones. Take care of your moms" He kissed each of them on the forehead.

Hope got everything into her car, it took her exactly 10 minutes to figure out how the baby seats fit into the car. Since everything was ready they were able to leave.

"Ready?" Hope asked.

"ready" Josie assured.

Hope and Josie held hands as they each held a baby. They entered the great house, where the faction of witches waited.

"Everything will be fine," Freya assured behind them. "It is a routine thing"

"We went through this when Nik was born," Keelin assured

Both couples entered the place, it looked like a welcome party for babies, there were blue balloons hanging everywhere.

"They're finally here," Vincent's voice said. "Now we can start" He drags Hope and Josie to the centre of the room, where there was some kind of altar. "Put the babies here"

"what is this?" Josie asked.

"Don't worry girls" Freya said "It's part of the show"

Josie looked at Hope, who just nodded, she trusted her Aunt Freya, and if she said nothing was wrong, then nothing happened. The girls put the babies on the altar.

"Today is a happy day, we welcome two new members to our community" began Vincent "they will be part of us, New Orleans will be their home. Your friends will be our friends and your enemies will be our enemies "

Everyone applauded.

"And as regent of the 9 covens, I give you my blessing" Vincent finished making a gesture in front of the babies.

Each of the witches at the party approached the twins and made the same gesture.

"They are blessings" Freya said to Josie and she still looked suspiciously at the people who approached their babies. "Don't worry, they are fine"

The party went on smoothly after that, until Luke started crying, indicating that it was his time for bed.

The meeting with the wolves was more of an adult party where everyone was drinking and celebrating. Travis, Jackson's cousin, took Andy, inspected the baby's shoulder to ensure that he had the Crescent birthmark, when looking at the mark, he held it up to show it to the other wolves.

"The Alpha's heir, wolves!" shouted the man making the other wolves scream with joy.

"This reminds me of the lion king," Josie said softly to Hope, who just laughed. " Why Andy and not Luke? " then ask.

"Andy is the oldest, so he's higher in the order of succession for now," Hope explained to Josie.

"for now?" Josie asked even more confused.

"Luke has the right to challenge his brother for the Alpha's title, and if he wins he would be the new alpha" Hope looks at the concern on Josie's face "not a challenge to the death, Jo. It's only the one who shows more strength and can submit the other and since they're both alpha's sons, simply the loser would become second in command "

Josie was a little calmer with the answer, but still she wasn't very happy with all this, she didn't want her children to grow up to have a rivalry with each other.

But for now they would just enjoy the party.

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