Beautiful Things

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Josie looked longingly out the window, sighing back to bed to do her homework.

A kick to the lower part of her belly made her rub the spot with the palm of her hand.

"I know, I'm bored too"

With her due date approaching, Alaric had forbidden her to attend classes, but she still had to do her assignments. She was going crazy for doing nothing.

A throbbing started in her lower back and she rubbed her hand over her, wishing Hope was here, she gave the best massages.

Irritated, she started pacing the room. Today she felt bad and didn't know why. Yet another reason to miss Hope. When she got like this, she could make her laugh. The tribrid understood how difficult it was for Josie to do nothing, finish whatever she had to do to spend more time with her. But now her girlfriend was in class and she wouldn't be back for two hours.

Her back pain got worse, so she put a pillow on the head of the bed and sat against it. The babies, as if sensing their mother's agitation, began to move. She could feel them press against her belly and she lifted her shirt. A small lump was visible under her skin and she ran the tip of her finger over it.


Pain shot through her body and she couldn't help screaming. Remembering what her Aunt Elena had told her about contractions, she tried to relax. Another pain shot through her as she tried to get up.

"What's up little ones? Are you trying to scare mommy? "

It had happened once before, earlier in the week, she had started to feel similar pains, but she had kept it to herself, knowing that Hope was constantly worried about her since her Aunt Elena had told her on their last date that the babies could be born at any moment. That night, she had made the mistake of screaming when particularly strong pain had gone through her, later found on a gurney at the Mystic Falls medical centre, Hope didn't calm down until the ER doctor examined her and proclaimed that she been a false alarm.

She tried to breathe until she felt the liquid run down her legs. She takes her cell phone from the nightstand and call Hope.

"Do you miss me already?" Hope's cheerful voice answered her. She had just gotten out of one of her classes as she made her way to the other.

"Hope ..." her name came out as a gasp.


"My water broke"

"I'm going over there"

A few minutes later Hope walked through the bedroom door.


"My thoughts exactly" another pain shot through her, Hope immediately wrapped her arms around her, helping her to her feet. Her legs shaking from the effort.

Hope took it bridal style. Fortunately, there was no one in the hallways because it was time for classes. The tribrid carried Josie out to the garage to a black Bentley parked there. Hope took out the keys and unlocked the car.

"I didn't know you had a car," Josie said, they usually took the Camaro when they left school.

"My uncle Elijah left it to me, I asked my Aunt Freya to bring it, thinking that I was going to use it to take you to the hospital. Apparently I was right" she explained as she helped her to sit in the passenger seat.

"Well thought out," Josie said.

The ride to the hospital was somewhat rushed, Josie could see how tense her tribrid were from the way she took the wheel.

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