The calm before the storm

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"you know, I don't know who enjoys these naps more you or the babies" Josie teased, leaning over the bed to grin down at the most important people in her life. Her fiancée was stretched out, Luke asleep besides her and Andy on her chest, a tiny patch of drool dampening her shirt.

Hope blinked sleepy up at her and gave her a mock indignant look.

"I'll have you know that this is our mom-sons bonding time"

Josie rolled her eyes, but reached a gentle hand out and covered Andy's head. He grunted in his sleep, burrowing his head into Hope's shirt.

"Anybody home?" Lizzie called, coming in room door.
Josie stood up, putting a silencing finger to her lips. Lizzie tip-toed over, shaking her head with a smile at the pair of them, Hope now as dead to the world as the boys.

"MG went to see his family and I wanna know if you wanted to hang out with your twin sister?"

"yeah, just let me..."

A series of gurgles and grunts coming from the bed signalled that Luke was awake and becoming irritated that Hope wasn't.

"I'll get him. Where's my miracle baby at?" Lizzie said taking her baby nephew.

Josie heard Luke chattering away, clearly telling his aunt about the hard life he had to endure where his mom's sleeping schedule wasn't an exact match to his. She watched her sister waiting for her with 'her miracle baby' on her hip. She shook her head, a bemused smile on her face.

"They're going to be so spoiled that they'll never learn to walk because their feet never touch the ground"

His response was to lean back against his aunt and hide his face behind his hands, but Josie laughed as the shy guy routine failed because he peeked around them, a sly smile on his mouth.

Josie grabbed Andy from Hope's chest, who was already waking up by then.

"let's go" says the brunette leaving Hope sleep.

Lizzie sat at one of the dining room tables, her downcast face resting on one of her hands. She heard a small sound that made her look down, where Luke was staring at her with his little fingers tucked into his mouth. Realizing she finally got her attention, Luke began to speak in his own baby language and his mouth gave his aunt a smile. Lizzie took the baby and hugged him while kissing the top of his head inhaling the sweet scent of his baby scent.

"I brought you ice cream" Josie handed the container to her sister as she sat down across from her and settled Andy on her lap.

"Thank you" said the blonde

"Come on, Lizzie. Mg will be back in a few days "

The blonde smiled at her sister's attempts to lift her spirit.

"I know, besides the distance is good for any relationship, or at least it's what all the boys who have moved away from me have told me" the blonde tried to joke.

"MG wouldn't leave you, he loves you too much for that" Josie said as she tried to clean the trail of slime that fell from Andy's mouth.

The baby whimpered in protest when Josie directed the napkin to his face, offered him a toy trying to negotiate. Andy took it, leaning his head against her with a long suffering sigh.

Josie rolled her eyes and gestured at her baby.

"He's brooding; can you see it?"

In spite of herself. Lizzie laughed.

Josie glanced toward the dining room entrance, where Hope was walking toward her.

"Speaking of brooding, here comes the girl with the genes that made it possible"

"Hi Jo" Hope greeted giving her a chaste kiss on the lips and a kiss on the forehead to Andy. "Hey little wolves, how have you been behaved?" she reached up to ruffle Luke's hair.

Andy was pleased and began to speak in his baby language.

Josie smiled at her fiancée.

"I'd love to hear how your day is going"

Hope smiled at the memory of Josie's first months of pregnancy that the phrase gave her.

"Well, I think we have a new monster, we still don't know what it is, but there are bugs everywhere" Hope explained.

"I'll help investigate Dorian, so I'll trade you a kiss for a son" said Josie

"A great deal" Hope smiled

Josie smiled and handed the baby to Hope, the tribrid took her son and wrapped her free arm around Josie's waist, pulling her close for a kiss.

The brunette smile after the kiss.

"You are disgusting" said Lizzie "my dear nephews are present, keep it in your pants"

Both girls laughed.

Josie said goodbye to her children and went looking for Dorian.

"Well, when do you have that wedding planned?" Lizzie asked with bright eyes.

Hope gave a big sigh, how would she explain to her sister-in-law that her and Josie's engagement would be long?

Hope handed Lizzie a soda, now they were in the blonde's room watching a movie while the children slept.

"He'll come back, you know. He only went to see his family "

Lizzie smiled shaking her head.

"My sister already tried that method, only hers included my favourite ice cream"

"I mean it, Lizzie"

"And if you know someone, someone less complicated and without a damaged mind" after beginning her friendship with Hope, it had become easier to be vulnerable in the face of tribrid.

"Lizzie, MG could meet a thousand women, but none of them would be you. Now MG, could it be a little ... "she stopped looking for the correct word" intense "

Lizzie laughed.

"But he loves you, you just have to trust that"

The blonde took a sip from her drink.

"That's a difficult thing to do"

"I know, after everything Josie and I had been through, I was still terrified to admit that I loved her" she smiled at her "but once I did, I wish I had trusted her and myself a long time ago"

"I think you're right, Fido. I'll trust that my vampire doesn't want to sink his fangs in someone else"

The girls' talk was interrupted when Josie walked through the door.

"I think something bad happened" said the brunette.

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