Baby Bump

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Hope knocked on the door and was surprised to see Lizzie with sleepy eyes.

"I thought you were in Europe"

"I arrived last night" she growled, dropping onto Josie's bed.

"So why are you up so early?"

"Because of Josie, she got up early to throw up and then she looks for clothes while singing to the babies, I have tried to explain that the babies still cannot hear, but she says that she is the mother and only she can know" Hope couldn't hide the silly smile that adorned her face. "And since you're here, it's clear that I won't be able to sleep anymore, so I'll go for coffee"

Hope laughed when the annoyed blonde left the room, still in her pyjamas. Shaking her head, she removed her jacket and dropped it on Josie's bed.

The door opened and the sound of Josie's voice almost screamed.

"Lizzie, look. At first I wasn't sure, but now I definitely think I have a... "

Josie stopped when she saw the auburn girl in the room, the words frozen in her mouth.

Hope's eyes travelled over her, even as she told herself to look away. She was clearly expecting her sister because she only came dressed in a robe that was open that revealed her unbuttoned black shorts and a red bra. Her hair was still damp from the bath, the tribrid gazed in wonder as a small drop of water slid down her collarbone, disappearing into her bra, leaving a shiny trail across her skin.

"What's wrong?" she asked hoarsely.

"I've a small bump" she said breathlessly and then she laughed "I've a baby bump, I'm starting to show"

Her hands framed a small part on her belly and Hope reached out, but then stopped to look at her.

"may l?"

Josie nodded, trying to avoid feeling something for Hope's hand on her, struggling to remind herself that it was the babies that she was touching and not her. What Josie didn't expect was for Hope to slowly kneel in front of her. Josie gasped silently at the warmth of her breath on her skin.

Hope's hands carefully passed over her stomach, feeling the difference in her skin and the tension in it. She framed her hands like she had done before, lost for a moment in her enthusiasm for the babies, marvelling at how small the area was.

"There you are, little ones"

"I told you" Josie said hoarsely.

At the sound of her voice, Hope looked up, realizing how intimate the moment had become, her hands squeezed Josie tighter, pulling her closer when a distant part of her brain noticed that one of them was trembling and she wasn't sure who was. She stood up still holding her and making Josie sway against her. But the sound of the door opening, made the brunette walk away.

Lizzie walked in, taking a sip of her coffee.

"I missed something?"

Hope only smiled weakly.

Since Alaric had found out about his daughter's pregnancy, he asked Elena to care for the rest of the pregnancy on the school's facilities for safety. Hope's blood couldn't fall into the wrong hands. But the short trip to the infirmary didn't avoid the tension between the couple.

Hope didn't know what had happened in the twins' room, but something had changed between her and Josie. Their relationship had changed, in what exactly, she didn't know. But it was more than it had been before.

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