Tell Em

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"We have to tell them, Josie," Hope told her for the hundredth time while accompanying her to one of her classes.

"I know" you could hear the irritation in her voice.


"Soon" repeated the brunette like every time Hope asked her.

Hope took Josie's arm to stop her from enter into the room.


"Why are you in such a hurry to tell them? The babies are barely over a month and a half"

"Because this is huge and I would feel better if I could talk to your father about it." Her eyes searched Josie's as she asked. "Wouldn't you feel better talking to your family?"

Reluctantly, Josie nodded.

"We'll also have two babies" Hope smiled widely as she did every time they talked about the pregnancy. "And I don't want them to think that this is something we are ashamed of"

Josie's heart melted a little and she gave in.

"okay. But you realize they are not going to take this well, at least not at first "

Or at all, she added silently.

"I know" she opened the door with a wide smile.

Josie rolled her eyes and stepped inside.

"Okay, we'll tell both by the end of the week, all right?"

"one week," Hope agreed.

"one week what?" Lizzie asked when she approached them.

Josie panicked.

"One week until the full moon, you know how much Hope loves to run on a full moon, her wolf loves it"

Hope watched her as Josie babbled and shrugged. The week wasn't over yet.

"Josie, if you don't stop doing that, we'll end up in the math room," Lizzie said, unable to bear another minute of Josie bouncing her foot against the floor.

"I'm sorry" she said standing up and walking around the room.

The blonde rolled her eyes.

"pacing isn't any better, it will only make a ditch. Just tell me what happens "

In the last few days she had tried to tell Lizzie about the pregnancy, but every time she opened her mouth, she froze. Hope was right, she wanted her sister's support. She wanted to be able to tell her everything like she did before, confess her fears and her growing enthusiasm. But the real reason she hadn't told her was that she was afraid of how Lizzie would react. But she couldn't keep the information from her forever.

"Lizzie, there is something I need to tell you"

The blonde leaned closer against the chair, frowning.

"That sounds serious, does it have something to do with you going back to the doctor this week?"

Josie's eyes shot to her sister.

"You left the appointment reminder on your desk. I wasn't sniffing around" she said quickly, then bit her lip. "Okay, maybe I was. But I was worried about you "

Josie realized that she had put them both through a lot of unnecessary worry by prolonging this. She went and sat next to the blonde girl.

"it's okay. And yes, it has to do with doctor's appointments "

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