Getting Ready

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Josie came downstairs, huffing.

"I can't believe they said that"

Hope was waiting for her.

"What did they say?" She asks curiously.

She glanced behind the brunette where Lizzie and MG walked cautiously behind Josie, making it clear that mood swings Josie was present. Now that she was in the middle of her third trimester, she was getting more and more agitated, slapping her words at anyone who crossed her path, far behind was sweet and quiet Josie Saltzman. Hope knew it was a mixture of impatience, fear, and agitation that kept her nervous. Usually she knew when the Josie storm was starting, she was one of the few people who could stop it.

"that I walk like a penguin" she replied indignantly when she caught up with Hope. "you can believe that?"

The tribrid tried to hold back a smile, but Josie caught her, narrowing her eyes dangerously at her.

"A cute penguin," Hope said, offering her a glass of smoothie.

Josie snorted, refusing to dignify her words with an answer and instead took a drink from her glass. They all walked into the dining room and sat down. Lizzie and MG were still looking a bit apprehensive, while Hope was smiling.

Josie decided to ignore her smiling girlfriend and turned to her sister.

"So how is life without me?"

"You mean to sleep not only at night, but also in the morning without waking me up when you go to the bathroom?" Lizzie joked, but then sighed "easy, but a little lonely"

"I miss you too, Lizzie. I could stay with you from time to time "

"Don't worry dear sister, I'll just make MG stay more often" she leaned towards the vampire.

"Anything for my girl" said the vampire as she put her arm around the blonde's shoulders.

Hope who went for her and Josie's breakfast when the brunette decided to ignore her, handed her a plate to Josie and shared a smile.

Hope thought the moment she met MG, she had to admit that the boy seemed a bit... nerdy, but he was one of the most loyal people Hope had ever met. And no one could deny that he loved Lizzie very much.

It made her happy to see that. The blonde had always had love problems, mostly because of her insecurities when it came to her mental health, but now she was happy and more confident. Her relationship with the vampire had turned out to be one of the best things that had happened to the blonde, and that loyalty to the twins had passed over to Hope.

Not to mention that he already considered himself the baby's uncle and had offered to take care of them whenever they wanted.

"So, have you already thought of names for the little ones?" the vampire asked, pointing to Josie's belly.

"We did" Josie smiled "but we want it to be a surprise"

"And have you thought about whether you are going to have the babies in the hospital or will it be a home birth or in this case at school?" she winced at the thought of what a delivery would be like.

"We're not sure, we would need to ask Aunt Freya and then fix everything with Elena," Hope explained.

"I don't know girls, but I think a home birth and without drugs is not pretty," the vampire commented, looking at the couple in front of him.

"Tell me," said Josie, who did not want to go through all that without anaesthesia of any kind.

"So, how are Lamaze classes going?" Lizzie asked trying to change the subject.

Hope grimaced, knowing that topic wouldn't make Josie happy. In general, the brunette liked her classes. She had delved into her classes with such dedication that Hope knew it was from her desire to be a good mother. Unfortunately, in the last class, they had shown videos about childbirth.

"We learned to breathe," Josie said with annoyance.

Hope explained her short answer.

"We learned how to breathe the right way during labour and how to prepare for it. You know, make sure you have a car seat, choose clothes for it to wear and have a suitcase ready, things like that. "

Josie's face lit up

"Hope already packed a bag for me and the babies, it's by our bedroom door, I almost bumped into it yesterday"

The tribrid's cheeks were stained red. Lizzie smiled.

"What are your plans for today?" asked the blonde.

"Freya will come today to see if we will have these babies as nature dictates, with drugs or the barbarian way at home," Josie commented.

Hope laughed at the brunette's comment.

"Good luck, girls. Take care of my sister, wolfie" Lizzie threatened before dragging MG off the table.

"We'd better go too, Aunt Freya must be hopeful at the mansion," Hope commented, helping Josie up.

After meeting Freya, who assured them that there was no problem in having a completely normal delivery in a hospital, so they didn't have to worry.

"you're good?" Hope asked as she drove back to school, Josie took her hand and placed it on her lap, trying to reassure the tribrid. Josie knew she was still worried about her, even considering the ease of her pregnancy these last few months. She was worried too, but she refused to think that something bad was going to happen. They had been through too much already.

"I'm fine, but I guess we'll call Aunt Elena to fix everything at the hospital"

"Are you ready for this?"

Josie shook her head.

"Nor, even if I had 10 years to prepare, I don't know if I'll ever be ready. But I want to see them and hug them. I want to know what their eyes, their noses and their smiles are like. So yeah, I think I'm ready for this. And you?"

"I'm ready for anything as long as you're by my side, Josie"

Josie laughed at her corniness and knew she was catching it when she couldn't stop to say something "then, you'll always be ready, Hope"

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