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Hope stepped into the kitchen, each step, echoing in the quiet early morning. She went to the fridge and opened it, staring into it. After a few seconds she close it without taking anything. Sighing, she rested her hands on the island, not seeing it, her mind lost in the memories of the dreams that had haunted her all night.

Dreams fed by a kiss.

A kiss she swore she could feel until now.

She closed her eyes, but it only made the memories clearer. After Josie ran off yesterday, she debated whether or not to go after her, but she didn't know if that would make things better or worse. And she had no idea what she might have said if she reached her anyway. So that night she ran like a wolf, but even that did not diminish her restlessness, the dream didn't come either and when it did, it only made things worse, because in her dreams, Josie didn't run away, she didn't let her go.

She exhaled hard. Josie wasn't the first person she'd wanted, but now, it was worse than ever. She had never been intimate with anyone, her previous relationships hadn't reached the physical. But now that she had discovered that part, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

At first, it had been easy to ignore, because she had told herself that she didn't feel that way about Josie. And when she'd told her about the babies, her focus had shifted to them and she hadn't given it much thought. Then her feelings for her changed and she had done her best to deny them, to focus only on what Josie needed, but that hadn't stopped the dreams that appears at night. The ones who whispered how good it was to touch and be touched.

God, how she wanted to touch her.

The sound of the wood creaking between her hands made her realize how tightly she was holding the island and she released it before it could do any real damage.

Everything had changed now. She couldn't pretend it was just her friend, just the girl who had been lucky enough to be with her when some slugs lowered her inhibitions causing all of this. Until now, she had struggled to keep what she felt hidden from her, from herself, convinced that Josie Saltzman would never be interested in Hope Mikaelson. But now she knew that the brunette had feelings for her and she wouldn't let her pretend that nothing had happened. They had to talk about it.

She turned to go to her room when the sound of familiar footsteps reached her. She was nervous to see her again.

"Hi" She greets the brunette.


"Josie ... I"

"No, Hope" she interrupted "yesterday, it shouldn't have happened"

"No, you can't say that, because I can't get it out of my mind" she approached her "I can't sleep thinking about how you felt, how you tasted and wanting to kiss you again. And I have to remind myself of all the reasons why it shouldn't happen again, but I can't find one"

"Not even now?" their eyes met.

Josie's smile was the last thing she saw, before closing her eyes and meeting her lips with hers. The brunette's arms wrapped around her neck pulling her closer, Hope smiled when she felt the small bump where the babies were against her. She let her world shrink once again to just the woman in front of her and the wonderful things her mouth was doing to hers. But they still needed to talk, she had to tell her something else.


"for what?"

She loves the sound of annoyance in her voice. She takes her hands.

"About what you said yesterday, I think I have a solution to our situation"

"Well, a solution would be nice"

All That I Really Wanted (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now