Cptn.Y # 1

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)


Mia called me while waving her hands in the air. I looked at her smiled. I went closer to her and put an arm around her shoulders. I looked at my surroundings, this school is bigger than my last school.

"The school is better and bigger than the last university we are attending." I nodded my hear agreeing at what she said. We walked inside the school and checked the map that the gave when we enrolled. I am a 3rd year college student, it is my first day here at the Konkuk university. I searched for the headmaster's office. Once I saw it, I followed the direction it points. While walking, I bumped to a person.

"Sorry" I bowed and offer a hand to her but she ignored it and stood up without taking any help.

"Tch. Watch where you are going." She said and bumped my shoulder, walking away. I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance. First day of school and I already encountered a rude student. Mia chuckled that is behind me.

"Nothing's funny, Mia." I said irritated.

"First day of school and you're being clumsy again." She said while shaking her head.

"Okay, I know that I'm clumsy but I'm not rude like that girl." I said and start heading to the direction of the headmaster's office. Mia just hummed and followed me.

I stopped and looked at the door in front of me. We are already at the front of the principal's office. I glanced at Mia before knocking two times at the door.

"Come in" A faint voice was heard from the room.

I twisted the door knob and opened it gently. The both of us went in and the headmaster gestured us to take a seat. We did what she gestured us to do.

"Ms. Lee and Ms. Jeon, right?" We nodded and she picked up a paper from her drawers. She handed it to us and smiled.

"Thank you Mr..."

"Mr. Kwang"

"Thank you Mr. Kwang, we're gonna proceed on our rooms." The two of us bowed and we just received a nod and a genuinely smile from him. We went out and checked our schedules.

"My class is Class 1-B" She said and placed her schedule inside her bag.

"Mine's too" We started walking in the hallways, searching for our class.


"That's for today class, goodbye"

The professor said before going out of the class. The students start packing their things and heading out of the room. I approached Mia and waited next to her as she arranged her belongings in her backpack.

"I'm already finish, let's go now." She started walking out so I just followed her.

"Hey!" Someone shouted so we looked at the direction where's the voice came from.

"Oh, Lisa. What is it?" I asked as she walked near us. She placed herself on the middle of Mia and I. She placed her arms on our shoulder and dragged us.

"What club will the two of you want to join." She asked the two of us.

"I want to join basketball" I answered with a smile.

"Same to me" Mia shrugged her shoulders.

"Cool, well tomorrow is the try-out" She pointed her fingers poster posted at the bulletin board.

I glanced at the paper and it is indeed tomorrow. I just need to be ready for tomorrow and show my talent at playing Basketball.

"Where's the others?" Mia asked as she noticed that she was not with the three. I just nodded my head, agreeing at what Mia said.

"They are outside, at the gates. I just forgot my phone at my locker and went back to get it. I saw you two so I called you." I just hummed and looked forward.

"There!" We looked at where her fingers are pointed, we saw the other three talking and laughing with each other.

Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé approached us at our table earlier when it is lunch. They said that they want us to be their friend and of course we agreed.

"There you are Lisa" Jisoo unnie said as she noticed their friend approaching them.

"Hello Y/n and Mia" Jennie greeted and the two, Jisoo and Rosé, waved at us so I gave them a sweet smile.

"Do want to join us? If you're not busy but if you are, it's okay" I glanced at Mia so she looked at the four and smiled.

"We're not busy so we can join you four" The four smiled in excitement and lead the direction where are we going.


"Bye, Mia and Y/n" They waved their hands before walking away together. They lived in a same dorm, that's how close they are.

"C'mon, Y/n/n" The two of us start heading home too.

We are bestfriends, the two of us became close because we are neighbors and our mothers are friend. Whenever our mothers will meet up, they will take us with them at the park and me and Mia will play together.

"How's the first day of school?" She asked while looking at the cars that is passing by.

"Nice, we already have new friends at school" She nodded and chuckled a bit.

"It's great that they approached and asked if we want to be their friend. They looked friendly and they are all nice. That's why the four of the is famous at the whole school, they also all looked gorgeous. The two of us will look potatoes when we are beside them." I laughed while nodding my head.

"That's true" I said and ruffled her hair which she don't like at all so she slapped my hand away.

"Bye bitch" I said as I am now front of our house and head inside.

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