Prolouge 02

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After a while of running around the island and introducing myself to others, Nagito and I went back and sat down at the beach where we first met.

"Everyone seems.... so lively..." I thought as I stared off into the horizon, "They're so lucky.... They're so lucky that they're able to feel...." My thoughts were clouded with envy for my classmates as I imagined what it would be like to feel emotions just like them.

"Hey, Y/n?" Nagito called out from beside me.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response, put on a smile, and stared at him. He looks like he wants to ask me something.

I wonder why my heart beats faster when I'm with you....

"Are you—"

Ding dong bing bong

The sound of a school bell rung throughout the island, cutting off what Nagito was about to say.

"Look! The monitor over there!" I pointed towards the monitor beside the tree.

The screen lit up showing what seems to be.... a bunny....? Oh, right. It's our "teacher" named Usami.

Usami wanted us to go around the island and talk to people in order to earn Hope fragments, and only when we earn all Hope fragments can we all leave this island.

"I wonder why..." I thought and stared at the overly-positive bunny on the screen.

"Congratulations, everyone!" Her voice rang throughout the island, "It appears that everyone has finally finished collecting the Hope fragments,"

Already? That was fast.

"I'm...." She sniffed with tears   coming out of her eyes, "I'm so happy!" She cried.

"Jeez...Talk about an over exaggeration," I rolled my eyes and continued to blankly stare at the screen, not paying attention to any of Usami's words.

After a while, the screen blacked out and I saw some of my classmates heading towards the beach Nagito and I were on.

Everyone was finally here. People around me were chatting, their cheery voices filling my ears as I just quietly stood there. I stared off into space until I felt someone nudge me.

I looked at the person and saw that it was Nagito.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered, trying to avoid looking at his gray-green eyes.

"Not going to talk to anyone? I thought you were the Ultimate Sunshine ," Nagito smirked smugly.

Like I care about my talent

I rolled my eyes and hit Nagito's arm playfully.

"I don't need your opinion, Marshmallow man," I crossed my arms in front of my chest and scoffed.

"" Nagito sweatdropped at my remark.

"Yeah! Marshmallow man! Your hair is so pale*, like a marshmallow!!" I argued childlishly and continued to smack his arm.

"Okay, okay, you can stop hitting me now," Nagito laughed making me freeze as I felt heat rise through my cheeks.

I cupped my cheeks and turned my back away from Nagito.

"My cheeks are red... Why is that...?" I panicked, "Am I sick? I probably am. I should go and ask Mikan," I removed my hands from my cheeks and ran towards the nurse, ignoring Nagito who was calling for me.

"Hey, Mikan," I lightly tapped the girl's shoulder causing her to jump.

"EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!! Y-Y-Y/n! I-I-I'm s-so-sorry!! Please d-don't h-hate m-m-me!" Mikan exclaimed with tears in the corner of her eyes.

"M-Mikan! Calm down! I don't hate you!" I grabbed Mikan by her shoulders and shook her.


"Yup! We're friends after all!" I grinned.

Mikan sniffled, "WAAAAAAAH!!" She cried, "Th-This is the first t-time s-someone c-called me th-their friend.... WAAAAAH!" Mikan cried as she hugged me tightly, taking me by surprise.

"Jeez... Can't you just shut up you nasty big barf?" Hiyoko, who was nearby, shouted angrily.

"EEEEEEKKKK!! S-Sorry H-Hiyoko...." Mikan apologized, pulling away from our hug.

I stared blankly at Mikan and Hiyoko as the dancer continued to insult the timid nurse until Byakuya spoke up.

"Alright. Since everyone is here, let us discuss our initial impression about the island before the rabbit arrives," Byakuya's voice echoed throughout the whole beach making everyone stop with their conversations to direct their attention towards at the plump man.

"Now that you mention it, I discovered numerous bridges blocked off at the central island," Peko was the first one to speak up.

"Oh! Those are there so everybody doesn't get lost!" Ibuki raised her hand and exclaimed, "I tried to cross one of them and that rabbit showed up and told me, so I'm telling the truth!" She added.

I blankly stated at my classmates who were discussing their findings.

"I wonder what it's like to feel like them...." I thought, staring at my classmates with envy.

I sighed, "This is going to be a long day,"


edit from 06/26/2021:

* so i noticed that some of you guys got offended with y/n saying "you're so pale, like a marshmallow!" so i edited it to make y/n comment on nagito's hair instead. i'm really sorry to those that I offended, i didn't mean to come off as insulting.. i'm really sorry, i promise i won't do it again!!

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