Chapter Five 08

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We all ran towards the door to the warehouse next to the factory.

"I'm gonna do it... I'm gonna beat the crap out of him..." Kazuichi said through gritted teeth.

"As if I'd let you!" I scoffed.

"H-Hey... I totally understand how you feel but calm down.." Hajime tried to calm down the enraged mechanic.

"Shut up!" Everyone stopped their conversations and turned to look at Akane.

"Akane... What is it?"

"Can't you hear it? It's coming from inside the warehouse."

"M-maybe once we open the door it'll go KABOOM!"

"H-How about we find out for ourselves, alright?" I let out a weak smile and cautiously turned the doorknob-

"It won't open.." My smile dropped at the realization, "N-Nagito...? It's me, Y/n... C-Can you please open the door...?" No response.

I felt myself grow worried and started to bang on the door, "Please open the door! Y-You're making me worried!"

"Step aside," Akane gently pushed me away and kicked the door open.


The door fell off its hinges and hit the floor.

"WAAAAH! IT'S GONNA BLOW!" Kazuichi cried out.

I walked towards Akane and peeked over her shoulder to see nothing.

The warehouse was so dark that you couldn't see anything.

I felt a chill run down my spine, "I feel like I've been here before..."

That's strange...

This is definitely the first time I've been here...

My thoughts were cut off as the loud hymnal music continued to play.

"Hey... do you guys hear something?"

"Yeah... And it's depressing as hell... Does Nagito like listening to this kind of crap?"

I took a deep breath and yelled as loud as I could, "NAGITOOOO! ARE YOU IN HERE?"

Suddenly, fire erupted from the ground.

"Ah!" I screamed in surprise and stepped back.

"I-It's fire!" Kazuichi panicked.

"W-Woah! What's happening?!"

"F-For now, let us extinguish the flames!" Sonia instructed.

"Sonia's right! Nagi could be in there!" I felt my stomach drop at the thought.

"B-But how?! We don't have anything to put it out!"

"There should be fire extinguishing tools in the break room-" I dashed towards the factory without listening to the rest of Sonia's words.

I slammed the break room door open and scanned the entire room for something to put out the fire with.

"Bingo!" My eyes landed on a box of fire grenades. I carried the box in my hands and quickly made my way back to where everyone was.

"H-Hurry!" I placed the box on the ground and picked up two fire grenades, one for each hand.

Eventually, everyone followed suit and grabbed two of their own and dashed towards the warehouse filled with flames.

"Let's go!" We threw our fire grenades one by one towards the source of the fire.


The fire wasn't coming out at all.

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