Chapter Five 03

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I walked around the fifth island until I came across a vendor street where everyone was.

"Y/n!" Hajime saw me enter and waved his hand to catch my attention.

"Y-Y/n?! I thought you didn't want to come out of your cabin..?" Sonia was the first one to greet me.

"I changed my mind," I looked at the ground to try and drop the topic.

"O-Oh, I see..."

"Anyways... where's Nagito?" As soon as I said those words, everyone's welcoming smiles turned into scowls.

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"You didn't say anything wrong... you just mentioned him at the wrong time..."

So I did say something wrong!

"What happened between you guys and Nagito to get you all so worked up?" I asked in pure curiosity.

"Well...." Hajime began to explain the events before my arrival at the final island.

"I see..." I nodded my head in understanding.

So he isn't here anymore...

Where could he be..?

"I don't want to think about it, but..." Fuyuhiko started, "could Nagito be planning a murder?" My head perked up at the blonde's words.

Nagito...? Murder...?!

"M-Murder?!" Kazuchi shrieked, "I-If he is... then we gotta tie him up again...!" I looked at the panicked mechanic.

What's with you and tying people up?!

"It's impossible... Nekomaru isn't here anymore..." Chiaki sighed sadly.

"Heh, I've got what it takes to deal with someone as weak as him..!" A determined aura surrounded Akane as she laughed.

"I'M HERE TOO!" I heard Nekomaru's voice come out of the mini-robot that Akane was carrying.

"Is that...?" I pointed at the miniature robot.

"That's Minimaru, Kazuichi's latest invention," Hajime whispered beside me.

I see...

"Then... that's a yes, right?" Kazuichi looked at us hopefully, "Just leave it to me..! Once I've come up with a plan, we'll meet up again!"

Why... am I even agreeing to this plan?

They could harm Nagito!

I guess... I should just trust them for now...

I sighed before following everyone out of the vendor street and to the bridge that leads to the central island.


Ding dong bing bong

The chime of a bell echoed throughout the entire island as I groaned and stood up from my bed.

"It feels like I didn't get much sleep at all," I yawned and made my way to my bathroom to do my daily routine.

After stepping out of the bathroom, I immediately walked off to the front door and exited my cabin.

I walked past countless of cabins before finally reaching a cabin with a familiar drawing.

Knock knock

No response.

"Huh? That's strange..." I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Normally, Nagito was would–"

The image of the said luckster glaring at me popped up inside my head. His once love and hope filled eyes were now replaced by a cold and hateful glare. And that glare was directed towards me.

"Oh, right..." I hung my head and started to walk away from the cabin, "He doesn't want anything to do with me right now..."

I entered the restaurant to find everyone was already there, "Morning..." I greeted and walked off to grab two plates of food.

I made my way back to the table were everyone was, "Woah, Y/n... You're going to eat all of that?" Hajime pointed at the plates in my hands.

"Huh? Of course not! The other plate is for Nagi–" I paused for a while, "You know what? Akane can have the other plate," I handed Akane the food which she gratefully took with a smile.

"Okay, now that everyone's here... Let's go ahead and jump right into the main topic," Kazuichi declared, "And of course, the main topic is about our plan to capture Nagito that we're supposed to carry out today!"

I choked a little on my beverage, "Today?!"

"A-Are you sure about this?" Sonia nervously asked.

"Of course! I spent all night coming up with this plan!" Kazuichi boasted as if it was something to be proud of, "That means I haven't slept for two days straight. Don't you think my efforts should count for something?" I rolled my eyes.

"We get it... hurry up and spill that plan of yours already," Fuyuhiko, who seemed to have had enough of Kazuichi's bs, interjected.

"Well, I thought up several plans, but in the end, I figured that a straightforward plan would be the best," Kazuichi began to explain, "One of us will be the decoy who lures Nagito into the lobby by telling him we need to talk to him there..."

"And then, at the best possible moment... the two task force members will move in and swiftly capture Nagito."

"And that's the plan! What do you think?" Kazuichi grinned widely.

I zoned out of the conversation until the distribution of roles came up.

"Y/n should be the decoy!" I widened my eyes at the gymnast's suggestion.

"I... I don't think that... that I'm–"

Don't touch me with your despair-ridden hands.

"–suitable... for the role..." I hung my head low and stared at the floor.

"Then I'll do it," Chiaki volunteered.

"All right! And with that, our meeting is over!" Commander Kazuichi announced, "The next time we'll be meeting is when the plan is set into action!" And with that, we were dismissed.


Will this plan really work...?

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