Prolouge 03

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After what seemed like forever, Usami finally showed up.

"Nuh-uh! You can't do that! That's the biggest of no-nos!" Usami scolded.

"What were they talking about?" I thought and tried to recall my classmates' conversations only to come up empty.

Usami rambled on about the rules and how she wants us to live in peace until Hajime spoke up.

"Wh-What's with these rules? Who cares about that!" Hajime protested.

"Stop. This rabbit seems to be rather finicky about these so-called rules..." Byakuya stopped Hajime before he could protest more.

I zoned out of the conversation again and stared at Nagito from across the beach.

"I really got to stop zoning out," I thought, still continuing to stare at the white haired mess that is Nagito Komaeda.

I felt my heart thump violently against my rib cage as I stared at Nagito intently.

"I wonder why Nagito makes me feel this way..." I thought, feeling heat rush to my cheeks as I examined his features that were lightened by sun's rays.

"He looks heavenly," I smiled at that thought.



A.... genuine..... smile...?

My stomach dropped in realization.

I finally smiled.

I smiled genuinely.

I smiled because of Nagito.


Nagito makes me feel emotions.

My thoughts were in disarray as I walked off to change into my swim suit.

I walked to the changing rooms with a stupid grin etched onto my face.

"Hey Y/n~" Ibuki walked in front of me.

"Ibuki! Hi!" I waved.

"Ibuki noticed that you were staring at Nagito earlier~ Do you like him?~" The musician sang playfully.

I felt my smile drop.

Why is she asking me?

Does she not want me to like Nagito?

Does SHE like NAGITO?!?!

No! That can't be!

Nagito's mine!

mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mineminenmienmeineminemineminemeinemineminemi—

"Hello? Earth to Y/n?" My thoughts were cut off by Ibuki snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I snapped out off my thoughts and stared at Ibuki.

"I said.... Do you like Nagito?" Ibuki smirked smugly and wiggled her eyebrows.

I giggled, "Of course I don't!" I lied.

"Eh? But you were staring at him!" Ibuki whined.

"Why are you even asking me? Do you like Nagito? Hmph, as if he would like someone like you. Nagito is mine and only mine," I harshly glared at Ibuki making her shut up.

She gulped, "O-Oh, I s-see.... Well good bye, Y/n! S-See you at the beach!" Ibuki ran away.

"Hmm? Did I say something wrong?" I tilted my head in confusion.

I shrugged, "It's probably nothing," I smiled and skipped towards the changing room.

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