Chapter Three 08

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Hajime Hinata's Point Of View

I entered the hospital with Fuyuhiko only to be greeted by muffled yelling.

"Y-Y/n! Y-You shouldn't be h-here!"


"B-But y-you're the one w-who's yelli-- N-NAGITO'S TURNING BLUE AGAIN!"


"EEEEEEK! W-where... Where did you get that knife?!"

Fuyuhiko and I looked at each other before running towards Nagito's room to prevent another murder from happening.

Fuyuhiko opened the door with a loud 'slam'. Mikan looked at us before running out of the room to tend to the other patients.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Y/n tried to stand up from the bed only to fail due to their legs giving up.

I walked towards Y/n and carried them, making sure to confiscate the knife that they were holding.

Where did they even get this knife?!

"L-LET ME GO, FREAK! DON'T TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY NAGI!!!" They struggled against my hold.

"No can do, Y/n," I refused and made my way to their room.

I reached their room and placed them down on the bed.

"G-Go away... L-let me see my Na-Nagi..." Y/n muttered weakly before falling asleep.

"Damn are they a handful..." I chuckled at Fuyuhiko's remark.

Fuyuhiko and I exited Y/n's room, making sure to lock the door from the outside, and made our way to the hospital lobby to talk with the others who were staying at the motel.

I looked at the pink monitor sitting on top of the counter to see that the signal light was blinking.

"Look like they're already waiting... Let's hurry up and start the connection," I nodded along to Fuyuhiko's words and pressed the button.

The monitor lit up to reveal the Ultimate Mechanic.

"Hellooooo?! How is it? Can you see my handsome face?"

"Yeah, I can see you real clear," I replied.

"We're good on our end too. I can totally see your broke-ass faces," The pink-haired mechanic grinned.



It might be best to tell them what happened earlier today.

"Hey..... are you the only one there?" I asked the grinning mechanic.

"Nope... we're all here... except for Hiyoko..." The screen turned to reveal Chiaki.

"What happened to Hiyoko?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"She... has locked herself in her room..." Sonia answered, "She said that she won't come out unless the Despair Disease has been cured."

"So how about you? How are you guys doing?" Chiaki asked.

"Oh, about that.... Y/n managed to get inside Nagito's room overnight," I recalled what happened.

"T-They did?! How?!"

"Mikan doesn't know either... but we managed to lock them up inside their room," I said reassuringly.

"W-Well... what about Nagito...?" Sonia asked.

"I... I don't really know... But when we managed to get Y/n away from him, he was passed out..." I explained.

"I see...."

We continued to talk for a while until everyone had to go.

The monitor turned off leaving only me Fuyuhiko alone in the hospital lobby.

"Let's just wait for the next transmission to come," I nodded along to Fuyuhiko's words.

And so, we waited.

and waited....

and waited....

and waited....

until finally–

ding dong bing bong

The monitor lit up to reveal the one and only Monokuma, "Ahem! Hope's Peak Academy's School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make! It is now 10 PM," Monokuma started.

"Please return to your rooms and relax. Let the sound of the ocean gently rock you to sleep. Now then, sleep dreams everyone. Good niiiiight~" He sang before the monitor shut off.

Fuyuhiko turned to me, "You should check the others, I'll go on ahead and handle the transmission. Once we're done, let's head back to our cabins," I nodded and opened the door that leads to the hallway.

I walked along the dark corridor only to come across... Ibuki?!

"Ibuki?! What are you doing out of your room? You should be resting!" I exclaimed.

"To tell you the truth, I have been getting bored by doing nothing but sleeping," Ibuki said robotically, "Also... It would just trouble you if I slept all the time, so I would like to ask if I could help you with anything, but it's better if I am sleeping correct?"

"Yeah... Just rest for now... It'd be a huge help if you got better soon," I smiled at the musician.

"Understood!" I stared at Ibuki as she made her way back to her room.

I continued to make my way towards Y/n's room. I peeked through the door to see them sleeping peacefully. After checking up on the Sunshine, I made my way to Nagito's room.

I opened the door to see Mikan's panicked expression.

"Ha-Hajime!" She exclaimed.

"M-Mikan? What's wrong?"

"I-It's Nagito...! H-His pulse is extremely weak... He... might slip into critical condition some time tonight...." Mikan explained.

Could it be because of Y/n suffocating him earlier today...?

"B-But as long as I'm h-his nurse... I won't let him die...!" I smiled at Mikan's words.

"I understand how you feel, but don't overdo it, okay?"


I exited Nagito's room and went back to Fuyuhiko at the lobby.

"So?" Fuyuhiko asked as I stepped inside.

"Nagito's condition is getting worse," I explained.

"Shit," Fuyuhiko muttered.

"Well, everything's all right on the other end so let's just call it a night,"


And with that, we headed towards our cabins.

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