Chapter One 09

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"Murder?!" Hajime exclaimed.

"Ho-Hold on! D-Does this mean....?!" Nagito stuttered with a look of fright etched onto his face.

I zoned out the rest of my classmate's words and knelt down in front of Byakuya's dead body. I brought out a shaky hand to one of his cold, blood-covered fingers.

"Looks like he fulfilled his promise at the cost of his own life..." I chuckled at the irony and felt tears form at the corner of my eyes. I quickly wiped the unshed tears away and stood up.

As soon as I stood up, the door burst open to reveal Chiaki and Peko standing at the door way. The both of them quickly rushed towards us and stared in shock at the sight of Byakuya.

"Wha-What is this?!" Peko gasped, "I-Is that really....Byakuya...?"

"Why? Why did this happen....? Why....? Byakuya...?" Chiaki stammered.

"I see, I see... It appears Fuyuhiko is the only one who isn't here..." Monokuma pointed out, "Sooo, in the spirit of keeping everyone on the same page, how about we do this the usual way?"

The usual....way.....?

After Monokuma said those words, he disappeared followed by the chime of a bell.

ding dong dong ding

The monitor at the corner of the room lit up to reveal Monokuma.

"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma cheered from the screen, "Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!" The screen shut off.

"Class....trial....?" I mumbled.

"I already explained this to you, didn't I?" Monokuma popped up again, "Oh, I forgot. You were passed out,"

"Well for the sake of everyone being on the same boat, I'll explain it again!" Monokuma exclaimed, "If one of you gets murdered, the of you have to debate who you think the blackened is,"

"You-You're telling us to figure out the culprit?!" Hajime shouted.

"That's right! From this point on, you guys must investigate and uncover the blackened culprit!"

"Ho-Hold on a sec!" I interjected, "Ho-How can you be so sure that someone actually killed Byakuya?!" I reasoned.

"What was that? How can I be so sure? Well.... I saw everything!" Monokuma cheered.

"It can't be... Someone actually killed... There's no way...." Mahiru panicked.

"Puhuhuhuhu, if you make an outburst like that, you'll end up being the suspect," Monokuma giggled.

"I.... I won't believe it.... One of us.... actually killed.... Byakuya....?" Nagito uttered out in shock, "There's no way something as hopeless as that would ever happen!"



I spent the whole investigation time following Nagito and Hajime around and only spoke up when asked to. Before I knew it, we were asked to assemble at Monokuma rock.

I arrived at Monokuma rock with Nagito and Hajime only to see that we were the last ones to arrive.

"Hey, what the heck is that mountain?! When did that get here?!" Kazuichi shrieked, pointing at the Monokuma-shaped rock formation.

"That story might be true after all," Peko began,"There might be an enormous organization involved in all of this,"

"You mean... what Byakuya said before, right?" Hajime asked.

"Byakuya.... we still needed his knowledge...." Sonia sulked.

"Tch! I still can't believe he's dead!" Nekomaru clenched his fist in disbelief.

Me too....

I frowned at the atmosphere surrounding my classmates.

I'm supposed to be the Ultimate Sunshine.... I should cheer them up...

"Hey-hey, everyone!" I waved my arms around to catch everyone's attention which seemed to work.

"Tch... What is it?" Fuyuhiko asked.

I placed my hands on my hips, "What's with that attitude? Smile! Byakuya wouldn't have wanted you guys to cry over him! Instead, he would've wanted you guys to do your very best to reveal the truth behind his murder!" I grinned widely as their expressions began to light up.

"Yeah... You're right," Chiaki let out a soft smile.

"We can do this!" Sonia exclaimed.

The once gloomy atmosphere was now replaced by a determined one.

I felt Nagito walk up to me from behind, "As expected of the Ultimate Sunshine," He hugged me from behind.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach go crazy, "Uh-Uhm.... Y-Yeah..." I blushed.

Nagito chuckled before letting me go, much to my dismay.

"I'm here!" Monokuma popped up from behind Kazuichi.


"Jeez... I didn't expect this kind of atmosphere at all!" Monokuma let out a disappointed sigh.

"Anywho~ Let's take the secret entrance to the trial field!" As Monokuma said those words, Monomi appeared.

"Wa-Wait! Please wait!"

"Oh my, does Monomi want to join?" Monokuma tilted his head and talked about how much of a masochist Monomi is, "Oh well! I'm a big brother who dotes on his little sister, so I shall allow your participation!"

"I'll go on ahead and wait for you guys, so hurry over!" And as if on cue, the mouth of the stone Monokuma opened and an escalator appeared, leading to the open mouth.

"So-Something appeared?!" Mikan gasped.

Everyone started to talk about how incredibly suspicious the elevator was, but stepped inside anyway.

"Aren't you going inside?" Nagito asked, seeing that I was the only one who hasn't stepped on the escalator.

"I-I'm not sure...." I glared at the escalator.

He laughed, "Come on, you can hold my hand," He took hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers together. We walked towards the escalator.

I looked up at the starry sky.

Don't worry, Byakuya. We'll avenge you.

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