Prolouge 05

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I arrived at Jabberwock park only to find Usami shouting at nothing and me being the last one to arrive.

"Woops," I let out a chuckle before awkwardly walking towards the nearest person which was Hajime.

"Hey, Hajime!" I greeted the ahoge boy who seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

"Hey Y/n..." Hajime mumbled sadly.

"Hmmm? What's with the frown?" I tilted my head in confusion and inched my face closer to the brunette's to examine him.

"N-Nothing!" Hajime stuttered and looked away with a hint of red coloring his cheeks.

"Oh? That's no good! You should turn that frown, upside down!" I cheered and grabbed Hajime's face to contort his mouth into a wide smile.

Hajime chuckled, "You really are the Ultimate Sunshine,"

"Of course! It's my duty as the Ultimate Sunshine to spread positivity where ever I go!" I smiled and did jazz hands.

"Even if I, myself, can't feel positivity" I felt my smile turn into a frown at that thought. Hajime seemed to notice this and asked if I was alright.

"Who? Me? Yeah, I'm alright! In fact, I feel great!" I exclaimed and let out a huge grin which seemed to have made Hajime not worry anymore.

A comfortable silence loomed between Hajime and I until–

"Puhuhuhuhu!~" An obnoxious laugh rang throughout the park. I looked around trying to find the source of the laugh.

"Hey-hey! Where are you? Show yourself!" Usami shouted as if speaking to....someone...?

"Ahhh-hahahahahahahaha!" The same voice laughed again.

As if on cue, a half-white, half-black teddy bear appeared from the statue.

Another stuffed animal...?

"Why hello there! Thank you all for waiting!" The same voice that was laughing a few minutes ago erupted from the teddy bear, "Long time, no see guys!"

"I am Monokuma! I'm the headmaster of this academy!" Monokuma introduced.

"Ahem, now that I have made my dashing appearance, the first thing I need to say is.... This is so lame! Lame, I say! Lamer than the lamest lamesauce!" Monokuma complained.

"No one asked for your opinion," I scoffed and rolled my eyes and looked around to search for my darling Nagito.

My eyes landed upon Nagito's mop of white hair that seemed to resemble a cloud.

"I wonder what his hair feels like..." I daydreamed.

I was cut off from my daydream by the sound of fighting. I teared my eyes off of Nagito and looked to find Monokuma and Usami.....fighting....?

"Dun-dun-dah-daahhh! Victory!" Monokuma exclaimed before stepping on what looked like Usami's magic stick.

"Noooo!! My magic stick!!" Usami cried out.

Monokuma went on about what he shall do about his victory until he decided that he should change Usami's appearance.

"Ta-dah!! All done!" The smoke cleared out to reveal..... Usami...?

Usami's appearance was changed into a half-pink, half-white rabbit with a diaper on. And from the looks of it, Usami was not pleased. She cried and complained about her appearance.

"My, my.... Defying you brother's fashion sense. Is Monomi a little trouble maker?" Monokuma tilted his head.

"Big brother? Monomi?" Usami questioned as cold sweat dripped down her... fur...?

Monokuma then went on to explain Usami's character change. Questioning on whether Usami-now-Monomi should be the big sister or little sister. After a while of talking nonsense, Monokuma finally decided that Monomi would be his little sister.

I yawned seeing as this conversation was going nowhere until Monokuma suddenly punched Usa— Monomi.

"I should get used to calling her Monomi," I took a mental note.

"Hey.... what's with this stupid performance?!" Fuyuhiko, who seemed frustrated and confused at the same time, asked.

"Who friggin' knows?!" Akane replied.

I watched as my classmates exchanged words until they were cut off by Monokuma.

"It appears everyone has gathered," Monokuma's voice silenced us all, "Now then, as the headmaster, I shall make a formal declaration!"

I rolled my eyes thinking that it was probably something ridiculous, so I tried to zone out until–

"From this point onward, the killing school trip will now commence!"

I stopped dead in my tracks.



Those were the last words I thought of until everything went black.

Those were the last words I thought of until everything went black

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Remaining students:

A/n: Will update chapter one next week!

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