Chapter One 02

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I arrived at the restaurant with Hajime behind me who was slightly gasping for air.

"Gooooooood morning everyone!" I greeted in my usual cheery voice.

"Y/n!" Ibuki yelled and tackled me into a hug.

"Ibuki!" I yelled with the same level of enthusiasm as her and hugged back.

"Good. Now that everyone is here, I would like to make a statement," Byakuya's voiced loomed over the restaurant.

"Oooh~ What is it?"
"Can I listen while eating?"
"I seriously wanna go home right now..."

Numerous voices echoed throughout the restaurant at once.

"First things first, I have a question for you all," Byakuya spoke up, "That Monokuma thing ordered us to kill each other.... so under these strange circumstances, what do you think we need right now?" Byakuya asked while he adjusted his glasses.

"Tch, who the fuck knows?! Just get to the point already," Fuyuhiko grumbled.

"If you want me to get to the point, you better hurry up and answer my question," Byakuya retaliated.

"What do we need? We need food and sleep. Obviously, right?" Akane answered.

"No.... you've forgotten about shitting," Nekomaru added.

"How about cooperation with one another?" I asked.

"That's a very good answer, but in order for us to cooperate with each other we should have someone that should serve as the leader," Byakuya explained.

"So who'll be our leader?" Chiaki asked.

"Rejoice, for I shall accept the position," Byakuya declared.

"Welp, that was fast," I began to zone out off the conversation and started to finish my food.

After I finished with my food, I noticed that everyone was standing and going down the stairs.

"Huh?" I said absentmindedly.

"He-Hey you guys! Wait up!" I ran after my classmates who were already outside.

I tried my best to catch up to them only to feel myself trip on something. I closed my eyes ready to feel my face colliding with the concrete path, but nothing came. I opened my eyes to see pale hands wrapped around me.


"Are you okay?" The voice that I had grown to love echoed throughout my ears.

"Nagito..?" I asked while I stood up properly.

"You were about to fall, so I went to catch you. I'm sorry... someone like me shouldn't have touched an Ultimate like yourself without permission," Nagito frowned causing me to frown as well.

"What are you talking about? I'm really thankful that someone like you was able to prevent me from falling! Now, smile! Smiling looks great on you!" I cupped his face with my hands and stared at the gray-green hues that reside on his face.

His eyes.... they're pretty....

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