Beta Siblings AU Chapter 1 Night Time

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Lucia POV

"The good witch Azura and Hecate then escaped from the valley! Both hand in hand but then suddenly...A EVIL RED MONSTER APPEARED, BLOCKING THEIR WAT TO ESCAPE!!!" Luz read with passion in her voice like usual.

Me and Luz are having our usual "sibling bonding time" which is what Luz calls. Most of the time we do what she wants to do, like reading her nerd book Azura something something. It's always fun to listen to her act out the roles while reading and sometimes I chime in and help her.

"And that's the end of chapter 25! Whatcha think?" Luz plopped down in front of me, sitting on the floor and looked up at me, who was sitting on a bean bag. "It was ah...interesting?" Is all I managed to say before she jumped up happily.

"Eeee! I can't wait for book 7 to come out! The release date will be shown tomorrow in the library so I gotta get there quickly after school! think you could drive me?" Luz looked at me as she clenched her book. I could see her on the balls of her feet, hoping I'd say yes.

"Luz...I got work after school. You know that." I sighed as I got off the bean bag chair. "And I'll be tired once I get home anyway so I won't be able to take you then." I took off my beanie and grabbed the book, scrolling through it. "Can't you just ask mom?"

"No! I can't! She'll be at work and I can't walk there because it gets dark quickly and the path there is...scary!" Luz exclaimed as she reached for the book, which I held high above her head snickering.

"Ugh, okay okay just better be right outside the school the second that bell rings okay?" I stared at my baby kid sister waiting for her answer. "YES!" Luz quickly hugged me and jumped up and down.

"Okay okay! Settle down!" I lifted Luz up and laid her in her bed. "Just don't be late and don't stay up reading, okay?" I watched as Luz got comfy in bed, before she gave me a nod.

"Alrighty, goodnight then." I flipped off her light switch and closed her door, then I quickly went to my room and flopped down on my mattress.

"Tomorrow is gonna be a long long day...especially since I have to deal with that stupid witch trying to boss me around all day!" Amelia Blight. Her name leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth when I say it.

That girl is always on my nerves. She bosses me around all day and then I have to see her again at work! Not to mention that girl scratches. And kicks. And punches. She does it all. That girl has a bad rep at our school. Even the teachers are scared of her. I'm sure even Mr. Bump our principal is too...

"I should head off to bed." I mumbled to myself as I took off my jacket and slowly drifted to sleep...


The sun hit my eyes perfectly as my phone alarm clock went off. "Time to start the day already...?" I groaned and I dragged myself out of bed and into the kitchen.

"Up already kid?" A voice exclaimed, which made me jump.

"Eda! Jesus don't scare me like that...also I'm not a kid alright! I'm 19 for gods sake." I regained my composure quickly and got Eda her morning cup of coffee.

"Okay okay, anyway, how's the job know the..." Eda mumbled as she tried to think of where I worked. "Pizza Hut?" I finished her sentence as I handed her the mug of coffee.

"Yeah that place!" Eda raised her glass and acted as if she knew all along.

"'s going fine I guess, just my co-worker is a complete under bitch. A stuck up rich girl who bullies kids for her own pleasure." I couldn't help scowled.

"Why don't you know...just..." Eda made a gesture with her pointer finger going across her throat.

"No I'm am not going to kill her, couldn't if I wanted to..." I mumbled that last part.

Eda sighed and stirred her coffee with her pointer finger before taking another sip of it. "Can you make those dough thingys?"


"Yeah those, and hurry you gotta get to...s...sch.." Eda struggled to finish her sentence, I guess she really does hate school, huh?

"Yeah yeah whatever." I quickly made the mixture for the waffles and dug out a waffle maker Eda found in a trash can. Gross but it works even after a few cleans.

"If Luz isn't up by now I swear to god..." I quickly poured the mixture into the waffle maker and closed the top, flipping it before walking upstairs and peering into my little sister's room.

"Hm...maybe if I saved up enough I could get two for her and me? I could give it to her as a gift...but what if she already has it by then?" I heard her rambling about something.

Slowly I opened the door and came up behind my little sister before making my self big and yelled "BOO!"

"AAAHHH!" Luz fell to the ground clenching a tiny treasure chest which I presumed was filled with money.

"Whatcha got here~?" I grabbed the treasure chest and smirked as I held it to where she couldn't reach.

"It's nothing! Lucia give it back!"

"Why ya saving all this money, hmmm?" I smirked as I waved it in the air taunting her.

Luz jumped up and somehow grabbed it from my hand. "Geez I'm just saving up for the new book!" She shot a glare at me.

"Yeah but it seems heavy enough to buy one book already, why do you need two?" I questioned her as I got eye level with my sister.

" reason!" She karate chopped me softly in the head while screaming her notorious battle cry.

"Okay fine I won't interrogate you any longer." I sighed before I smelled something burning.

The waffles.

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