Movies and Clinginess

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3rd Person POV

Lucia swung open the door of the Noceda house, walking in with Luz and two Blight's following behind them. "Finally home..."

Luz smiled back at two Blight girls as they entered the living room. The room was surprisingly lit up, unlike how they left it, with the lights off...

"Mi cariños! Your home!" The four girls heard a voice pipe up from the kitchen, and soon stepped out a woman wearing scrubs, with tan skin and dark brown hair tied back in a tight bun. Big red glasses covered most of her face. She ran up to Lucia and Luz, pulling them into a tight hug and kissing their foreheads repeatedly. "Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!"

Lucia struggled the most against her mother's smothering. "Mami! Stop!" She started to become embarrassed because...well....someone who was behind her would hold this over her for the rest of the year.

Finally, after a few more kisses, Luz's and Lucia's mother let them go. "Mami? Why are you home..? What about work?" Luz said, moving away from her mother slightly. "I got off of work but you weren't here! Oh! I only have a hour or two left here until I have to go back. We gotta do all these mother daughter things quickly! Like watch a movie or do a spa day!" The mother of the Noceda's sputtered out quickly, not even noticing the 2/6 Blights that were behind her daughters.

"Mami...we kinda got people over." Lucia sighed heavily, pointing back to Amelia and Amity who were standing there awkwardly...

"Oh my goodness...I'm sorry about that! I'm Camila. Luz and Lucia's mom." She smiled and held out her hand, which Amelia and Amity shook separately. "I'm sorry, this was the first break for me in for what seems like EVER. I'm a health care worker, and a lot of times we can be low on staff so, that results in me having to work crazy hours." Camila smiled and looked at the two new young girls she had just met. More specifically Amelia...

"I was planning on watching a quick movie with my daughters, your...welcome to join!"

"Oh? Well we didn't mean to intrude...we can get going if you need-" Amelia started before Camila cut her off. "Nonsense! I insist!" She reassured Amelia.

Camila sighed and turned to Lucia "We could've had more time if you answered my text..."

Lucia looked confused "Oh? I think I ignored it, my bad. I'll check it now." Lucia slowly reached into her pocket before Amelia quickly grabbed her wrist, just before Lucia could fully have her hand in. "H-hold on! L...let's go make some popcorn for the movie!" Amelia ran off into the kitchen, dragging Lucia behind her.

As the two girls started to make the popcorn, Amelia would occasionally put her hand in the jacket's pocket...where she kept Lucia's phone.

Amity and Luz went into a closet and grabbed a few blankets for everyone, as well as some extra pillows.

Soon, after picking a movie...the 5 girl's spread out along the living room and started to watch the movie, while enjoying some popcorn and other junk food and drinks. Camila sat in a chair with a big heavy blanket, to the left side of the television while Amelia sat on the other side of the room, across from Camila and also sitting in a chair, leg over the arm rest and slouching in it. Meanwhile, Lucia had the whole couch, which was a bit far back from the chairs. She stretched out on entire space, and took most of it up since she was so long. Then there was Amity and Luz. The two girl sat on the floor, which they didn't mind. Amity sat a bit in front of Luz and would often lean back onto her...but stopped quickly after realizing it.

Darkness filled the room since all the lights were off and the sun had gone down by then. The only light was the illuminating TV screen that projected the fun movie. Faint giggles filled the room every so often since, the movie was a comedy and had some pretty good jokes. It even made Amelia snicker a bit. Soon, the movie hit the half way point and a alarm went off.

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