Hell Rained Down

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Lucia's POV

"Mgh..." I opened my eyes to a room I wasn't too familiar with. I felt something heavy up against me. Something warm and soft...

"Amelia...?" I rubbed my eyes and called out the eldest Blight's name as I slowly sat up.

"Hm..." I heard a tiny voice groan at my side.

I looked down to see a girl with green hair and brown roots, laying next to me with my jacket on. Sleeping peacefully with her legs tucked into her chest.

"Huh. Not the weirdest thing I've woken up to..." I stared at the girl quietly. Amelia laid next to me, her hair was messed up, some strands tangled together and a clomp of hair covered her eyes. It was nice seeing her so relaxed and-

Did this bitch steal my god damn jacket.

I sighed and swung my feet to the side of the bed, getting off slowly, not waking up the sleeping girl. Suddenly I heard a ding.

"Hmm...?" I looked and saw Amelia's phone on her nightstand, ringing and beeping. "What in the..." I picked up the phone with curiosity and clicked on the screen.

The screen lit up and had messages fill the lock screen. The messages were all titled under the name 'Babiest Little Sister (Amity)'

A few of the messages read;

'Hey are you busy?'

'Can you maybe pick me up? It's raining...'

'Update; it's raining harder, are you okay? You haven't picked up my calls or messaged me back?'

"Raining? Can't a kid just walk home in the rain like I use to? It's not even raining that hard-"

I looked outside to see absolute hell rain down. The rain was coming down so hard I found it hard to see through it from far away.

I walked to the window and looked down to see a gutter. Water was practically overflowing in the poor thing as water gushed out onto the ground, creating a huge forming puddle.

"What time is it..." I mumbled to myself, pulling out my phone and checking the time.


I stared at the time and did some math in my head.
"I WAS ASLEEP FOR 6 HOURS!?" I shouted loud enough to wake Amelia up from her beauty sleep.

"Why are you yelling...?" Amelia sat up, and looked at me with tired eyes.

"We've been sleeping for 6 hours! And I forgot to pick up Luz from school! We have to get going now!" I yelled at her with panic. I don't want Luz walking in the dangerous fucking weather. I told her I was picking her up and I'd be right of front of the school. I refuse to let her down.

"Oh really." Amelia replied with sarcasm in her voice, leaning over and checking her phone. Soon her eyes widen.

"Oh no...oh no no no!" Amelia screeched as she shoved her phone in my jacket's pocket and turned to me in a panic. "WE HAVE TO GO NOW!"

Amelia grabbed my arm, dragging me out of her bedroom to the front door. "Fuck, Amity needs to be picked up and I haven't even replied to her for 2 hours!" She grabbed her keys and adjusted my jacket on herself.

"Well maybe we should- WOAH!" Amelia dragged me out the front door to her car, swinging open the passenger car door and shoving me inside. "OW!"

Amelia quickly joined me in the car and backed out of the parking lot, flooring it down the road to Hexside. I barely had time to put on my seatbelt before we even got to Hexside. Because I was screaming the whole time.

The Owl House Beta Siblings AU ~You Drive Me Crazy~Where stories live. Discover now